Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
Hi everyone, currently potty training and needing help please. After 1-2 weeks, we are finally getting little to no accidents at home. But sometimes it's quite close before an accident when she makes it. We have a potty and a toilet trainer steps/seat. Both have been successful for us overall. At present we've be...
Anybody got any advice on encouraging your little ones to poo in the potty or toilet? My little one has been potty training for around a month now and is great when he needs a pee but will not poo, holds it for days and then he ends up doing it in his pants. Tried showing him videos, reading books, getting him to wa...
Anyone else’s baby only have blowouts in the car seat? I sized up my son’s diapers and he only has blowouts in the car seat .. assuming because he’s sitting and the poop has nowhere else to go but up and out. His clothes aren’t too tight either. It’s just so annoying hearing everyone telling me to size up and it’ll ...
Just curious, what stage is your LO at?
So we got our daughter a potty on Friday and she’s taken so well to it and so far we haven’t had any accidents and have had 20+ pees on it but no poops so far. She will ask for me to take her nappy off so she can sit on it and gets so excited when she’s done something and will happily show me. At what point do I buy...
Hi ladies I'm following the ERIC website of potty learning and potty practice and have put LO on potty after meals since 12 mo and after naps since 13mo. He doesn't seem to wee in the morning wake up so seems like a waste of time. I know this isn't really EC but maybe you still have some tips! I have successfully ca...
Please provide me some better diapers out there for 5 week old . She is around 9 pounds and wears size 2 in pampers brand . Been using pampers from her day one but the diapers seems to get blue line with single pee and she gets irritated with the wet . This really disturb her sleep, feeding and makes her cranky at t...
dark red colour on the flesh. it’s not paining or something coz he only cried once when he fell. and i washed his mouth and made him drink water. and it stopped . but after he was eating solid food it bled little -and then stopped. he’s fine though but i am feeling so bad how i could not protect him. i’m literally w...
My daughter is recently potty trained I’m just thinking ahead as she’s supposed to start school in September. How do I go about moving her to the toilet? She’s scared of even sitting on it, I’ve tried a few times got a seat with handles and step and she’s not interested. How do I go about helping her overcome this f...
is it normal for potty training to not be linear, and to feel like you take steps backwards sometimes? we've been nappy free (apart from overnight) for just over a week and at tue weekend it felt like things we're going so well - hardly any accidents, did her first poo on the potty etc. but today and yesterday it's ...
She was going to the potty without any prompt. Today wearing pants and went to school like that and has come home so upset. Scared of her potty again. They said she had a few accidents at school, but did 1-2 wees on the potty. Or saying she needs it then having a wee right away. Apparently was not upset or anything.
My son has been using the toilet for wees for the last 6 weeks, however he refuses to poo on the toilet or in a potty. He wears a nappy at night still so is either pooing in his sleep or pooing in his pants in the day. However he’s also holding his poo and is sometimes not pooing for up to 4 days until he has an acc...
My daughter will be 4 years old in March and has been potty trained since she her 3rd birthday. In July we welcomed a new baby boy so I anticipated a potty training regression with my daughter. Sure enough about a month after we brought baby brother home, she started having accidents again. We kept encouraging her a...
Also any advice he just doesn’t seem ready
My daughter enjoys sitting on her potty, but absolutely refuses and gets quite upset at sitting on it when she needs to! She's also really interested and understanding that mummy and daddy go potty on the toilet. So I'm thinking she might accept a toddler toilet step and seat thing. Before I commit to having a bul...
Hi all, looking for some advice on what you would do. For context, my 2y8m toddler hasn't been wearing a nappy during the day for 1.5months now. He occasionally has an accident where he doesn't tell us or tell us in time for us to get him to the toilet. We're flying 7 hours on Thursday and I'm worried he'll have an ...
How hard is it to piss in the fucking toilet bowl? Seriously🙄 I've came up the toilet after him and there is piss all over the floor. Had to grab the mop to clean it up. Seriously why are men like this? Id expect it if he was drunk. But seriously what the actual fuck 🤮
my little guy is 2 months (3 months in a week) and has been drooling and chewing on his hands like crazy. i know discovering his hands is a new “skill”, however it’s a lot? are these normal or “teething” gums?
Is anyone else terrified of baby led weaning?? It was always something I wanted to do when I was pregnant but now I’m here I’m so scared of her choking. I just gave her a bit of my crumpet and she loved it but it was breaking up as she was squeezing and chewing it. I took it away and she started crying (obviously…
My baby is 14 months, and she is teething and been having a very stubborn stuffed nose, I am doing everything to clean it but nothing is coming out . Today I noticed her cheeks are super rosy , they look like they hurt and they are super hot , is it because she is teething???? She doesn't have fever but I am really ...