Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Natural teething remedies?! 🦷🫣

My 5mo is really really upset with teething at the moment and all that settles him is calpol or sleep. Any other recommendations please mummas? He gets bored of teethers in about 5 minutes and the same with breastmilk lollies x


Potty training regression

My eldest has been potty trained since August. She took to it really quickly with the 3 day method, barely any accidents. She’d been happy to take herself off to the potty without prompting for a couple of months, but this last month or so she’s been having an accident nearly every day. I find myself having to promp...


Teeth !!!

My baby is 7.5 months old but has no teeth yet. She has been showing teething signs since 3 months old but there is nothing yet. There’s nothing emerging on her gums either. Should i be worried?


Potty Training Regression

Hi Ladies My 3 year old appears to be going through a potty training regression. He’s suddenly started having an accident once or more times a day. Has anyone else experienced this? X


Bad breath

OMG my boys breath is so smelly! We have always brushed his teeth twice per day, he doesn’t eat junk. But the past few days his breath has been disgusting. Does anyone know what this could be?



My 14 month old is teething her molars. The red is how often she woke me up lastnight. It’s been going on for a week or so. Should I take her in or do you guys think it’s her teething?


Potty training

My daughter is gonna turn three years old on the 26th of December. The nursery have been saying our friends go on the toilet and they think she’s ready as she’s starting to tell them when she’s weed and stuff like that. I tried for about two weeks to potty trainer, no nappies apart from at night. pants the whole day...


Teeth ?

My little boy is teething and really struggling today. However his teeth don't look anywhere near to cutting, has anyone's babies gums looked like this beforehand? He also has a cold with it which I've heard some babies do? Not a good combo! ❤️


Private clinic recommendations

Can anyone recommend somewhere to go private in Nottingham to get a tongue tie sorted? Can’t even get a GP appointment, never mind the referral to get it done 🥲


Potty Training Dread

Am I the only one who isn't excited about ditching diapers to now physically have to take my little one to the potty every time they have to pee or poop. As if this wasn't hard enough (SAHM)


Pediatric Dentist COS

Hi moms!! I'm looking for any recommendations for a pediatric dentist here in the springs area? I was going to Colorado Springs pediatric dentistry but I have predatory billing happen twice and it turned into my word against theirs when I tried to dispute it. I just can't take my kids back there but also don't want ...


Teething already?!?!

My little one has started chewing her hands and fingers. At first we thought she just discovered them but she’s also become a little restless and pulls a button at her right ear. Could the little white bump be a tooth? My husband thinks it’s far too early for teething - she’d only 3 months tomorrow. If it is any tip...


When you’re in the bathroom at home…

Do you leave the door open when you pee/poop, or do you close it?



My girl is 6 months and me and her dad have got sore throats and are run down. Last night she was awful going to bed which she never is, I've checked her temparature this morning and it's 37.7 and I've just given her the first bottle today, she usually has 8oz but has only had 5oz. Could it be a sign that she is unw...


Has anyone any tips for potty training while co parenting and going to nursery twice a week?

I never had any issues with my eldest as I was on my own completely and not working. Second time round and nearly 20 years after my first, I'm lost🙈 help!


Not Potty Trained Yet

I thought about posting incognito but screw it, maybe this post will help someone else. My 3 yo is still in diapers. Whenever I change him, I ask him if he feels wet or dirty so that he starts associating the sensations with the words, but he won’t tell me when he’s gone. Maybe 30% of the time he’ll tell me about ...


Potty training..

Any tips or advice for potty training please! We have a 4 month old too so hoping to make it as smooth as possible 🤞🏼


Toilet training!

HELP ME. I’ve just decided to toilet train my LB. When he wore nappies he’d tell me when he’s done a wee/poo but since he’s had no nappies on he isn’t saying anymore. I take him to the toilet very frequently and it’s hit and miss, I feel like he’s holding his wee in because he can go HOURS without an accident. I kno...


8 month old lost tooth

My baby has been teething and I noticed his barely there tooth looked like it was dangling off, which it was. It bled very little and not it’s gone. He didn’t cry and his gums don’t seem swollen. Should I be more concerned about his tooth not growing back?


Diaper changing difficulty

On a scale of 1 to 4


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