Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
Please tell me how to get my 20 month old to stop throwing food? He just threw a spoonful of spaghetti so far it hit my brand new white couch. I absolutely lost it. Also how do you gentle parent a situation like this?
If you tried for a baby boy, did you have a particular diet, thing you ate/ tried to control/ make your body more alkaline?
I see a lot of posts about starting babies on cereal.. I always thought solids were recommended at 6 months? How many of you are starting already or are you guys waiting a little while longer?
What are your favorite ready to eat toddler snacks? My go to are Cheerios, animal crackers, freeze dried fruit, and cheese.
I know the classics like Cheerios and Goldfish but what are your favorite snack options for young toddlers. On the go friendly and healthy are a plus
Hi Guys🥰 My 13 month old is refusing meals and has become so fussy. He just likes to snack all day. I try to give him fruit and veg and he will not even try it, it just ends up being throw on the floor. Is anyone else experiencing/ experienced this? ❤️ Also night times… we have the same routine every night. He…
I’ve been weaning my LO since just before she turned 6 months. She’s been having a small breakfast and a larger amount at dinner time for a few weeks now but the past three days has completely went off all food. She’s refusing anything other than melty sticks. Just wondering if this might be a sign of some teethin...
My little girl just turned 2 luckily enjoys fruit and veg and eats a lot of both but I want to make sure she’s getting a good mix of carbs/fibre/calcium and a mix of everything. My problem is she eats whatever I do but I only eat beef I don’t eat meat often so probably not getting her to eat as much as she should. H...
My LO at 13 months is being so fussy while eating. She literally throws everything in the ground, especially in the high chair. She even stopped eating her favorite foods? Is anyone else experiencing this? I’m starting to think since she since in the high chair she seems to enjoy watching stuff fall on the ground or...
Can my 4 month old eat this? Pediatrician recommended we start her on solids or should I get a plain cereal?
Has anyone else given baby fish yet? Bub is 6.5 months and I’m thinking of cooking salmon tomorrow night. Can I cut some up into little flakes and give to her?
My son will hardly eat anything and I literally don’t know what to do any more. He won’t try anything which I know he will like. He pushes the plate off his high chair or hands it back to me. I literally dread meal times. Has anyone else experienced this??
I have a 3 year old that refuses to eat anything but beige foods.... this is limited to sausage rolls, chips, hash browns and toast. He will eat any fruit offered but will not touch vegetables. Im starting to stress because he's constantly telling me he's hungry but refuses to try other foods and goes into meltdown....
My son has a terrible cold. He’s also getting his molars through 🙃 so he’s eating very little and all he does want to eat is yogurt etc. I’ve made him a green juice type thing? Just some boiling water, bone broth, then blended peas and broccoli. I’m going to try to give it to him in a bottle as it’s very thin and…
Has anyone else's toddler stopped eating well? He will only eat 'treat' foods like fries, crisps and biscuits. Or fruit and yogurt. I'm getting so fed up of making him meals and food getting wasted every night. He used to love things like pizza, cottage pie, spaghetti bolognese, now he won't eat any of it, it's rea...
So I have started purées with my baby but recently have been trying to add more solid food such as eggs or ground beef. He seems to just chew for a while and never swallows! It stays in his mouth but then eventually comes out. Do I just keep trying with hopes he will eventually learn how to swallow?
Anyone else really struggling with fear of giving their little ones finger foods? We had every intention of doing a mixture of BLW and purées, but I’m absolutely terrified of him choking! 😫 We’ve done a paediatric first aid course in preparation and even went on a BLW course but I am so on edge. We’ve tried cooked…
I was in the kitchen washing dishes and my 1 year old was in her play pen. My coffee was on the coffee table but apparently it was reachable for her to grab on to and spill I walked in and she was playing with the spilled coffee and cup. When I grabbed her to smell her mouth she stunk of coffee and creamer so I know...
So I know it's not technically BLW, but it also sort of is ig. Anyway my daughter (23.5 weeks/5.5 months) currently eats baby oatmeal/rice cereal mixed with some puree (pediatrician recommended) about once a day, sometimes twice depending how she's feeling and how much she eats during the first meal. I let her self-...
I really want to do BLW but am struggling. I’ve tried putting food in front of baby, he was interested for a day or two but now just looks away or throws it on the floor so I end up feeding him because I obviously want him to at least eat something. Can anyone give me any tips? He’s 8 months and we started on purees...