Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

How often/much to feed 6 month old

My son turned 6 months last month and we were cleared to start single ingredient purees - we’ve done carrot, sweet potato, pear and apple. He loves them all, I’ve been trying to do one puree feeding per day but honestly haven’t been super consistent due to travel, events, etc. Just wondering if thats okay or should ...


Best alternatives

My dietician mentioned using coconut, almond, soya and oat milk and yoghurt alternatives, but didn’t give me any specific brands to use or avoid. I’m getting confused with the ingredients on some- for example Alpro coco milk has rice in? Is this rice milk, as I know babies can’t have it? Can anyone recommend some ...


Daycare Adjustment Worries—Anyone Else?

Hi mamas, I’m a first-time mom, and it’s my baby’s second day in daycare—I’m trying to keep it together! She ate pretty well yesterday, but today she’s not eating as much. I know it’s all part of the adjustment, but I can’t help but worry a little. Trying not to panic over here! Has anyone else gone through this? Ho...



When did your baby start eating soft solid foods other than purées ? My LO is 7 months today and has 2 teeth.


Opinions on weaning at 4 months

What’s your opinion on this? My baby is 4 months and has started on baby porridge and some purées that are 4+ months on the packet. My idea behind this is extra calories and he is really enjoying it. It’s not stopping any of his bottles, if anything he’s actually drinking more than he used too. Reason I ask is, ...


Birthday treats from school but your kid is allergic to it and can’t eat it. Do you take it home anyways or give it back?

When the parents come, the birthday kid gives each classmate the treat as everyone leaves. So we would have to say no thank you directly to the birthday kid. Should we be giving it back? Or just take it and let me have a snack lol Obviously I give my kid a treat she can have when we get home. Just not sure if it...


Baby moving on to 3 meals quickly

Anyone else feel like your LOs are eaters?? 2 weeks plus ago we started weaning our lil gal and she seems to take it her foods.. so we upped to 2 meals. Today it seemed like she's a hungry baby so we introduced dinner around 5ish.. I'm not sure if we're moving her on too fast ? She's turning 7 months in 4 days.


Weaning / there is no “right” or “wrong”

Hi ladies I’ve noticed some post’s recently where mothers are worried they aren’t where they “should be” in weaning their baby. I just wanted to post my experience, in hope it would help some of you in some way. My little girl will be 7 months on Friday and she hasn’t grasped putting food to her mouth yet, but ...



my one year old is exclusively breastfed. he finds SOME interest in food but is very rare when I can get him to eat multiple meals or even multiple bites of actual food. he still prefers breastmilk soooo much. he just turned one feb. 18th. he has two bottom teeth and his top teeth are just now coming in. is anyo...


Nervous about giving Honey

I know in so many cultures giving babies/kids honey isnt a worry but i feel like we've been scaremongered into not giving them to our kids until 12m+ because of the harm the bacteria can cause that im still afraid to try it.. am i the only one?



Hey mamas, just currently stressing because my baby girl (19/06) won’t actually eat anything? She’ll put it in her mouth and play around with it then spit it out, or smushes it between her fingers, purées are an absolute no go she just screams at me, but she starts nursery in a few weeks time and I was hoping she wo...


What amount your baby ate when starting weaning?

We just started weaning with veg purées and oh boy is hungry. He would keep eating but I thought we should start just with couple spoons a day?He is really enjoying it



My LO is 8 months and half and I’ve been giving him purées or mashed fruit/ veggies but never gave him food with real texture… I have a fear of him chocking … I don’t know how you guys are doing it? Any tips? I want to prepare him real food, but I’m scared


Still not eating?

My toddler still doesn't eat. Rejects finger food. Rejects purees. Will shurt his mouth tight or throw foods out. This is so exhausting. How can I try to get him to eat???



Hi can 8 month old babies have wheatabix? I find it confusing as I've read they shouldn't have added sugar in their food but wheatabix is quite high in sugar?


Baby crying during weaning but loves food and keeps opening his mouth for more!!

LO is 6 months and we’ve just started weaning on purées. So far, he loves the food we’re offering and keeps opening his mouth for more but he keeps crying during the meal! The only time he doesn’t cry is when he can see there is a spoonful of food about to go in his mouth. Surely he’s not crying because he wants mo...


Refusing meals

Is anyone else’s toddler refusing meals but wanting to snack all day 🫠 event he foods he used to eat he turns his nose up at. SOS 🤣


How to get baby to eat soft foods?

How do people get their baby to eat soft foods like porridge which need to be on a spoon? My LO refuses to be spoon fed. We load the spoon up for him but he usually just waves it around before putting it in his mouth and the food comes off


Breakfast and lunch ideas

I am looking for some ideas for breakfast and lunch for my 2 year old girl. She's been okay with food, but lately, she's very fussy. Her usual meals are potatoes in crispy form, plain pasta, bread but without butter or anything on it, not even toast. She doesn't like meat as well. She used to love sausages, ham or h...


Baby led weaning diet

Anyone elses diet vastly improving while blw 😂 If he's having egg yolks best believe I'm eating an egg white omelette If he's having steamed broccoli we both are bud 😂 Never eaten celery sticks in my life but we're both teething now 😂 Thinking of baby safe banana pancakes for dinner tonight 😂


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