Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
My little one is 9 months and for the past month or so every mealtime has been a horror! Baby absolutely screams, cries, gags and vomits. Thrashes around to get away from food. I’ve tried feeding in high chair, floor seat, no seat and on my lap by no difference. I started out with blw and little one took no interest...
Advice on bowls that ACTUALLY stick down! I’m fed up of not being able to do BLW for my boy because he’s managed to pull the bowl up! Bought easytots and the plates are great but bowl is awful.
3/4 bowl porridge with ground almonds and blackberries Half a slice of my toast Half a whole meal pitta with hummus, 2 cherry tomatoes, 6 olives, half a pack of toddler crisps, a yoghurt, big handful blueberries, and a biscuit Pack of crispy tiddlers (toddler fruit snack) 8 grapes and 2 crackers Half a salmon fil...
My son is at nursery full time and has just transitioned to “tots” room where they are encouraged/learn to drink from an open cup at mealtimes. He always has a clothes change because he just hasn’t grasped it yet and while they always say he’s had sips of water, I’m not convinced he’s getting what he wants throughou...
My son won’t eat anything but vegetables crackers, bananas and yogurt. He’s 18 months old idk how to get him to eat anything else he just throws it
Do you think it’s better to give a toddler chicken wieners or have him never eat chicken? Mine eats everything except fish, chicken and meat. He loves fruits, beans, rice, eggs, toast, pizza etc. Husband feels like junk meat is better than no meat.
Hi can people please share their weaning schedules and meal ideas please? My LO is on purées and the odd finger food, but it doesn’t help I’m not the healthiest eater 🤦🏼♀️ so I can’t just give her what I have. She tends to have porridge or yogurt & fruit in the morning then some veg puree late afternoon at the…
Does anyone else’s baby just not each much food… I try and offer 3 meals a day but the only one she actually eats is breakfast which is either weetabix with a mashed banana or porridge
To explain to my MIL why 4 hours is not a reasonable expectation.
What do you all give your babies to eat after nursery? Mine has a tea at 4pm there and I collect him at 5. I’ve tried giving him dinner at 5:30 but he chucks it on the floor 🥲 but will happily eat some toast.
I am losing my patience!!
This has been going on since he was 17 1/2 months I know it's a phase they can go through but is it not concerning its lasting so long. He won't eat anything he use to eat either and he eas a big foodies, just anything that's breaded chicken or fishes it seems or beans. No other meats, fish normal, nothing! He won't...
can anyone give me some quick and easy lunch ideas for my daughter ? seems to be all i’m giving her atm is either pasta or bread and it makes me feel so guilty :( xx
Some family members have told me they gave their baby rice for babies mixed with milk before 6 months to fill them up and maybe sleep better? Has anyone done this yet or thought about it?
Anyone got any tips on how to get their babies to eat fruit and veg as snacks. Mine just refuses to all the time
Hi, does anyone have suggestions for easy on the go snacks for a almost one year old who can’t have dairy. Thank you x
At what age did you go up from 2 to 3 meals a day? Or have you not done it yet?
How would you serve minced meat for 8 month old? Also what fat percentage or does it not matter?
I need some advice, my three month old son is eating almost 7-8 ounces every hour and is still acting as if he is starving. He is in the 96th percentile and has always eaten above average. Everyone is suggesting that I add rice to his formula but I’m unsure if this would help him feel more full for longer. When did ...
We’ve been doing mostly pureed food so far. I’ve tried rusks and the melty puffs which he seems to like. I want to start getting him used to more finger food/ textured food but cannot for the life of me think of what to give him other than soft carrots/sweet potato 😂