Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
Suddenly started crying loads after being put down but never used to? Anyone experienced the same?
My daughter will be 4 in May. She knows all of her colors, ABC’s, animals, and numbers. But she still sometimes has that baby talk where I can’t understand what she is saying. Has anyone else experienced this, and should I be concerned???
My 4 month old daughter is OBSESSED with her hands being in her mouth - so much so she will not go off to sleep because she cannot leave them alone! Has anyone experienced this? I’m having to swaddle her again at night!
My daughter just turned 3 and suddenly she is so emotional and on the verge of a tantrum 24/7 It’s like she’s exhausted and I don’t know if this is normal. Everything I say or do sends her into a massive melt down where she falls to the floor kicking and screaming and I mean it was sudden, straight after she turn...
I have some self harm scars on my arm. Self harm free for over 2 years. My baby is 9 months now and sometimes traces it with his fingers. At some point he will ask what they are. What do i say?
Anyone’s babies not giggling yet? My boy is 13 weeks, he coos and makes lots of noises and very smiley but not giggled at all yet? Just makes a sort of squeak when he smiles sometimes 😂
Any strategies to avoid this?
I went out to get some things and my husband stayed with our 10 month old he said she slapped her face few times could it be because was past her nap time and was tired ? Is this concerning behaviour for a 10 month old
My little one makes a grunting/groaning sound quite a lot which from Googling seems like it could be due to wind as he'll often be fidgety too. I have tried doing cycling legs and massaging his tummy which does sometimes make him fart but nothing seems to make it go away fully. Does anyone else have the same issue a...
Feeling a little worried feel like my 9 month olds a little behind in milestones baby not waving or clapping crawling or walking. What's your 9 month old doing so far?
My 8 month old is going on all fours and sticking his bum in the air…….
My son is a confident walker at home, but when he is outside he gets really upset and wants to be picked up, he also gets upset in the pram too, not ideal for a family walk lol. He’s also not very steady on his feet outside and ended up face planting the ground today 😭 is there anything I can do to encourage…
Hello mammas Please help me. My 2 year old keeps throwing her toys . Not sure why she does that. How can I stop her
Any advice on how to deal with them? Eg I’ll be cooking and he will walk over with his book and ask for ‘book’ but I can’t do everything he asks all the time. Playpens are a no go
Anyone’s babies not managing to do gestures yet? Trying to teach wave, clap, pointing and head shaking but no luck yet and nearly 10 months old - any tips? I do all the gestures slow and often throughout the day since he was about 5 months old… he can only do high 5😆
I know the say terrible twos is a thing but this is wild. My little one wants to be so independent and if she can’t or doesn’t get her way she will whine or throw a full out tantrum. How do we correct this because I Am starting to get real frustrated
Any one else? Any tips?
Has anyone got any tips for a baby that is not interested in being read to? All he wants to do is take the book out of my hands and put it in his mouth, and he’ll scream if I don’t give it to him. I’ve got him some cardboard books because he was literally chewing off the paper of his old ones, but again, he just wan...
Baby is 1 this month and all of a sudden has started hitting when he is frustrated and just for fun too. He loves to hit us in the face. How do you teach them not to?
Honestly 2 under 3 what the fuck my little girl sep 22 little boy nov 23 and honestly what the fuck between my daughter snatching shouting screaming Jsut not listening in general answering back and picking on her brother if he has it she wants it’s and my son the constantly climbing and pulling and screaming and thr...