Breastfeeding Mamas

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Breastfeeding Mamas

A group for breastfeeding mamas of past, present, and future. A safe place to ask questions, share experiences, and be supportive of others journeys. Pumping, supplementing, and donor milk feeding mamas also welcome.

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Incognito in Pumping

Cracked nipple I think from newborn pulling on it - quick heal methods?

What is the quickest way to get your nipple to heal? I’m new at this but I’m annoyed because I pumped for two days thinking it was healed. I think because baby was irritated he pulled on it while it was in a recovery stage and now it’s just pissed off at this point.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Breastfeeding

Being ill and haven't been able to breastfeed

I was really ill over the weekend with a sickness bug and wasn't well enough to feed without feeling faint/needing to go sick. I didn't breastfeed my little one for just over 24 hours, and in that time I only pumped twice. My partner fed him the expressed milk as well as frozen milk/formula top ups, but im worried...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

R in Other

Clogged ducts/ inflammation

I had reallly bad clogged duct about two weeks ago managed to sort it within a few days with ice packs and ibuprofen( full boob was sore and swollen). I had another small lump last week but quickly went away. Then I’ve just noticed another lump and it’s getting bigger by the minute 🙃 why does this keep happening?

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T in Baby digestion

Spit up then asking to eat again

Hello ladies, My LO is 3 weeks old and is EBF, suddenly has started spitting up after most feeds. This last one was a large amount. He fed for about 15 minutes, and I burped him 3 times after feeding. If your LO spits up a bunch then acts hungry immediately thereafter, are you feeding them again? Or do you think...

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L in Pumping


Does pumping make anyone else really agitated? My boy can’t latch, I’ve had a sip in my supply due to being in hospital and unable to pump properly, so he’s been combi fed from day 1. I’m pumping to express for him, but I find it makes me so angry. Every little thing frustrates me and the slightest leakage infuriat...

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