LC Run Breastfeeding Support Group

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LC Run Breastfeeding Support Group

This group is to support and educate mothers on their breastfeeding journeys. The group is ran by admins who are educated and trained in lactation. We do not advocate or for the use of supplements, CIO or harsh sleep training methods, solids prior to six months, nipple shields and topping off (more info is always needed here). This is a fact and evidence based group. Shaming not allowed. Please refrain from encouraging formula use to moms seeking breastfeeding support. We are pro-breastfeeding (not anti formula) and want to make sure that moms are supported in that way and provide them with information that will help them make the best decision for themselves and their babies. Pushing for the above not allowed and your comment or post may be deleted or hidden without warning if it breaks these rules.

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S in Breastfeeding

Nursing and pregnant

I have a 6 month old and my milk supply has dropped… and makes sense because just had a positive test. Two under two seems stressful but let’s go haha Anyway any one have also pregnant and nursing/ pumping? Any tips to make it through it?

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Weight loss when BF

I've been debating going back to slimming world but read online that losing weight can affect breast milk supply. Whenever I've done it in the past I've lost a fair bit in the first week. Any advice?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other

Teat sizes for EBF

Im going out tonight so have expressed for my 3.5 month old. How do I know what teat sizes to use? Just checked and I have maam size 0 and tomme tippee size 1 so guess I need to go shopping for bigger?

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K in Breastfeeding

Fast let down/tons of leaking

Second baby, she’s 1 week today and I’m over producing to the point where I can’t keep a shirt dry. When I go to feed her especially on my left side idk if my let down is too fast or if I’m already leaking so much she doesn’t know what to do and keeps pulling off and on and I can tell she doesn’t like it. When she p...

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P in Bottle feeding

How to get 7 month old EBF baby to take a bottle

Wee man has been EBF since he was born. We briefly tried to introduce a bottle at 3-4 months but he was gagging and we didn't necessarily need him to take one as I generally with him (both WFH). My partner has recently expressed he misses that bond of feeding him (our last 4 were formula feed as I just didn't manage...

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