The Sleep Deprived 🇬🇧

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The Sleep Deprived 🇬🇧

A group for the women who need a little nap.

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A in Baby sleep

4 month nap and sleep

Gals, my newly 4 month old is awake every hour on the dot at night. She just had vaccines done and we aren’t sure if that has unsettled her as this happened with her first round? She’s learnt how to blow raspberries as well so will spit her dummy out doing it and then cries as her dummy isn’t in her mouth 🫠 FTM here...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Sleep deprivation

I really could never of been prepared for how bad sleep deprivation is dealing with a baby alone for 7 months who wakes hourly or less for those 7 months no matter what you do It’s really affecting me I literally would rather die most days than go through another day on no. Sleep It’s really ruined my experience o...

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  • Incognito
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Incognito in Baby sleep

Why is she fighting sleep at 5 months

Look my lo has always been fussy but I got into abit of a routine of how to make her fall asleep, time wise it’s always been after 12am that’s when she fully sleeps and ofc wakes for feeds 2/3hours. Now that she’s hit 5 months she’s just fighting her sleep, she’s literally wanting to play or whinging cos she doesn’...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

So exhausted

My 7 month old just will not sleep no matter what I try. I tried adjusting wake windows, gentle sleep training with a consultant and even co sleeping. Nothing is working last night I barely slept 3 hours and the night before maybe 5. I’m sick and tired and I’m afraid I’ll become frustrated and just give up alto...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Baby sleep

Bed time

What time does your 4 month old go to bed? Mines got a shocking sleep pattern atm and I need to adjust her I think, I’m not putting her in a routine as such yet but her sleeps all over the place Help pleaseeee

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