February 2022 Babies 🇦🇺

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February 2022 Babies 🇦🇺

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E in Breastfeeding

Trying to stop breastfeeding.

Hi queens! My son has just turned 3 years old and has never really liked the bottle has always turned to my boob & just seeing if anyone has any suggestions on how to stop breast feeding ): I’m so over it and I work full time my son still wants it. I don’t know what to do I’ve tried everything but chilli it’s not an...

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Incognito in Other

Toilet training boys!

My boy will be 3 in February and has showed no signs for toilet training. I know everyone is different and im not going to push him if his not ready but.. he is at a point now where he will start to chuck a tantrum if his nappy doesnt go back on. Has anyone experienced this with their little one? He will scream the ...

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  • Incognito

L in Childcare

Family daycares in or near Sunnybank

Hello mamas, I’m a mama to an almost 3yo boy and relatively new in Aus. We’re currently in Sunnybank and I work from home, my husband was caring for my son till now and will start working from next week. So we need to enroll him in a daycare soon. Any suggestions in or near Sunnybank please?

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Nighttime struggles

Our toddler takes an hour to get to bed every night, then still cries for about 20-40 minutes until eventually falling asleep. We start at around 7 but he’s usually not asleep until 830. Which is difficult because we have a 4 months old so have to get her down, then finish up chores so really no time left in the eve...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Bed transition

Hi beautiful mummas! Needing some advice please! My boy is 2yrs and we have coslept with him since 6months. We have set up a new bed in his room for him. Its going into night 3 tonight, its a queen bed, we lay with him until he goes to sleep. He does anywhere from 30mins- 4hrs on his own then come back and crawls in...

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