Bath And North East Somerset

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We bring together Bath And North East Somerset moms for advice and fun (free!) events.

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Incognito in Body temperatures

Temperature on St Mary's Ward, Bath RUH

Those that have given birth at the RUH in Bath recently... what's the temperature like on St Mary's Ward? I am just packing babies bag and wondering what tog sleep sacks/swaddles to pack for overnight??

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

N in Family

Maternity leave

Hello Bath Mummas, I am 34 weeks pregnant and I’m on maternity leave and I have completely organised my house, nursery, hospital bags - you name it! Haha and now I find I’m at a bit of a loose end. I have a dog which keeps me active and busy(ish) but what else can we be doing whilst we are waiting for our babies to ...

  • N
  • N
  • N

Incognito in Careers

Any cash in hand job please

Hi everyone, I am looking for a cash in hand job, if you know any please let me know it's so important for me to earn in this situation of my life. Posting anonymously as someone will make negative comments.

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Incognito in C-section

C-section at the RUH

Hi everyone! Just preparing for my stay with a planned C-section at the RUH Do you have any idea where I’ll end up staying? In the birthing centre or the Mary ward? What are your experiences, thank you x

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy scans

First consultation for birth plan

Hi all - first time mummy here and at the RUH for my birth. I have a scan tomorrow (week33) and have yet to have seen a consultant about any kind of birthing plan and I’m getting really nervous I’m going to turn up and they won’t be seeing me again as I have the scan booked and my gestational diabetes checkup and I...

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  • Incognito
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