Short cervix mamas

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Short cervix mamas

Mamas who are dealing/have dealt with a short cervix.

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Arabin pessary

Hi all Currently 25 weeks pregnant , had a previous preterm loss at 24 weeks PPROM and chorioaminitis. During this pregnancy I’ve been having weekly TV scans to measure my cervix which was all well 37-42mm until I got to 23 weeks where it drastically dropped to 28mm and started showing signs of “funnelling” I’ve b...

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Incognito in Postpartum sex

Sex after having stitch placed

Have any mamas had a stitch placed in, if so we’re you able to have sex? I was told I could after a month, but I’m scared it may cause bleeding or preterm birth.

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Incognito in Other

Pregnancy yoga

Hi Mamas, currently 22 weeks with my second. Short cervix was identified in my first pregnancy following a LLETZ procedure, and I was basically told to do nothing except walking. This had a massive impact on my mental health and fitness during pregnancy and after. Do you think doing some gentle pregnancy yoga in thi...

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Incognito in Signs of labor

Hi ladies

I’m currently trying to catch but came across a story of someone who had Lapps & now has a short cervix , I’ve had multiple losses and never thought this could be the reason . How do I get it measured ? Can a go do it or do I have to see a specialist ? Also do I have it done before catching or after ? Thank you a...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Signs of labor

Incompetent cervix causes

For all the mamas with an incompetent cervix and no previous risk factors: I understand that, according to current research, there is no clear explanation for why this happens to some women. Apparently some of us are born with weak cervix. However, based on my experience, I strongly believe that my cervix opened due...

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