Love and Sex after Baby
Dr. Tracy D  is a creator on PeanutDr. Tracy D

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Love and Sex after Baby

By Dr. Tracy D

A group to navigate the challenges we experience with communication, resentment, and intimacy now that baby is here. Join me for practical tips and skills to nurture your relationship and feel more connected - whether baby is here or you are looking to prepare your relationship for postpartum

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Incognito in Other

Sex life

Anyone else just lost interest in sex since having a baby?! I mean mine is almost 2 and it’s obviously happened throughout this time but recently I’m finding it so hard to want it. I love my partner it’s not that at all, I’m just not up for it ever… it’s a me problem it seems!!

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Incognito in Sex during pregnancy

Low Libido

Ever since having my daughter 18 months ago, my sex drive has decreased so much. My fiancé and I used to have sex pretty much twice a day every day. After having my daughter the minimum we have sex is once a week and the max is probably 3 times a week because my sex drive has lowered so much. Now i’m 16 weeks pregna...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Family

Postpartum Intimacy.

I am 11 weeks postpartum, had an unplanned csection with my son and generally am feeling really good. My partner and I have been intimate a handful of times since our LO arrived and things have felt different for me, but not necessarily in a bad way, just different. I still very much want to and enjoy being intimat...

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Incognito in Other

How soon is too soon for external play?

I had my baby 10/31, and I’m wondering would it be bad to use my external vibrating wand. Even if it’s over clothing to reduce exposure .

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Incognito in Sex

Too good???

5 months pp and I’m starting to desire sex more finally! My husband feels better than ever and he says I do too which is great but he is finishing so quick every time now lol. This never used to happen! I used to be shocked at how long he could last. Now I can’t even climax. I’m no sexpert so please tell me what I c...

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