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E in Pregnancy care

Can you please help?

Hello! I am about to start my journey of recruiting women for COCE as a midwifery student. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some tips of what you would really like from your midwifery student. How I can best support you? What good experiences and not so good experiences have you had? I’m a mum of 2 but...

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Incognito in Family

Is this normal?

I came home from work today and my kids had both had dinner. I asked my partner what he gave them and he said the leftover spaghetti, and that he cooked more and added to it. But I knew this wasn't true because I knew we were out of spaghetti. Later when the kids went to bed, I asked why he's made it up and he said ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Childbirth

Public or private

Has anyone had a baby in the public sector in the Sandringham area? What’s the difference between public and private? Could someone please help. Do you share the room with a lot of people when you deliver ?

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Incognito in Formula

How to introduce formula

Hey mommy's, Hope you are all doing well. My bub is almost 6 months now and soon I need to get back to work, hence looking to introduce formula, but my bub doesn't take it I have been trying for a week now he refuses formula and wants to be breastfed. I really can't breastfeed anymore since I have fe health issues f...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Childcare

Childcare centres in Melbourne CBD/Parkville

Any experiences with the childcare centres in Parkville (specifically Froebel at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and the Bambini at Royal Children’s Hospital) and in the CBD (specifically Kids’ Club Collins Street)? Would love to hear!

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