Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.


Anyone else fed up doing things alone with there little ones, also doing solo days out or park trips or even rainy days in the house trying to fined ways to entertain them..? I have three boys and my youngest is one, but we’d love to have some company to keep us/me sane x


What do I do

I’m a recently single mom of 2 under 2 and I’m struggling. We have no financial support, very little family support, and I’m currently unemployed because I was a stay at home mom and finding something just hadn’t been easy. As of a few days ago me and my children were in an accident luckily everyone ended up being o...


God not others too

Hi I just joined this group and read some threads. Cannot believe I am not alone but also felt sad how many of us have to suffer. And pay terrible cost of enduring toxicity to stay in a marriage/relationship 😒



Feel pretty lonely honestly I can’t find anyone I can talk about future baby ideas with and it’s so annoying honestly 💔😓 wish I had someone not even the baby daddy doesn’t care . Like ik the baby hasn’t arrived but nice to talk about future stuff like nursery ideas baby shower ideas & Halloween ideas .


Single mama

This is the HARDEST THING IVE EVER DONE . I am a single mama to a 5 month old little boy . No help at all . From no family his dad lives 5 hours away and doesn’t come down often : I am over stimulated , depressed, just everything you feel . Tired. It makes me never wanna be a mom again . I don’t wanna wake up but I ...


Lonely and cold lmao

FaceTime or in-person mom friends?


Being a mom is lonely

I wish I had more friends where I lived. I love being a mom but it’s so lonely sometimes especially a stay at home mom.


I’m genuinely so lonely 😭 why is motherhood so isolating?

I have my family, yes. But… idk how to explain it. It’s just….rough sometimes feeling so alone in this nonstop, repeat cycle.


Am I unusual?

While I can’t wait to meet my baby boy, part of me is feeling really sad about not being pregnant with him anymore. I feel so close and connected to him, why am I feeling sad about my pregnancy coming to an end?


Lonely AF

I've come to accept I have no true friends, since having my second baby whose now 4 months I can count on 1 hand whose checked in or come to see us and then I've not heard anything back. I've had to reach out to friends myself and they've said they will come over soon but never actually come over. I understand every...


Going through my 3rd divorce

Anyone in the same boat? Going through all alone in a state where I don't know anyone, just need someone to talk to that can relate I feel so alone and helpless.


When you all but beg someone to come hangout with you because you're struggling mentally...

And they use that as time to throw in your face that you never go over there...🤦‍♀️ I do btw just easier at my house ad i have a 2 year old &it's much not kid friendly.


Am I Alone?!

Sometimes I just really feel like I can be doing a better job at being a mother. This job is not easy, i find myself losing my patience more and more and i really don’t want to be an impatient mommy. I want my kids to feel the love and patience. I want them to know I’m not always tired or in a bad mood. I’m at a los...


Normal feelings at 4 weeks?

Hi all, my little boy is nearly 4 weeks old and I have to say I'm struggling with the life adjustment. My husband has gone back to work and the house just feels so quiet. I'm finding it frustrating that the majority of my day is spent on the sofa feeding and I'm feeling quite lonely. I also find all the night feeds ...



I’m feeling really low at the moment, I literally wake up every morning with dread for another day. I struggle when my partner has to go to work, I feel so lonely 😭 I’ve always felt strong like I can keep it together but recently just struggling so much. I feel so lonely and isolated, the only one proper friend I…


Jealous of couples

I've been broken up from my child's father for about 9 months now (felt like earlier than that) and I feel like everyone around me is in a seemingly happy relationship, even having another baby. I never had this feeling but I do get really down and jealous when I hear of news like that. Am I alone in this?


Hello I'm new. This caught my eye I'm trying to get better at self esteem. But hate talking to my self. Any tips?

How can I get better af self esteem.


My mental health is declining…

I don’t want to lose this fight. I’m trying to hold on. I’m fighting. I made an appointment with a new therapist, hoping things are better this time. I’m also finally going to consider taking antidepressants. I just don’t want to gain weight, and I know that’s a common side effect for some. I’m hoping I can find som...



I don’t regret having my boy the only thing is I wish I waited and went and done stuff I wanted to do before having a family is this normal because I love my little man would do anything but just feel like maybe I’m a rubbish mum for feeling like this


Anyone struggle to make friends?

Feeling so deflated lately, I feel like my fiance is my only ‘friend’ and our relationship isn’t great right now. I have 0 girl friends it seems and no one to talk to. A friend of mine I reconnected with after having our first babies, has gone a bit MIA recently. We have an ongoing chat but sometimes it takes weeks ...


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