Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.
Those married or with a partner, do you get some time to yourself where they look after the baby/children? If so, how often and what do you do?
I am really so overwhelmed by all the negativity in this world. I think this world is so beautiful but people are so ugly. From abusive partners to knife crimes and school shootings to rapists and traffickers. I really want to have a quite and happy life with my son but all this negativity doesn't help. I am really...
I went to E.R. yesterday to get something for my anxiety. I have not been this anxious in years. I stopped taking anxiety meds years ago. I can not shake this anxiety. I believe it's like a bunch of stuff bottled up. I don't know what to do. I have meds and see a therapist. I don't like feeling this way.
Any single mums who have the baby 24/7 and barely any family around find it difficult and lonely at times? I love my boy to bits but I’m starting to miss being with someone just for the company? Little man’s nearly 4 months old and it’s just me and him 24/7
Anyone else feel like their partner doesn’t understand them? At the moment my little one isn’t very well and has the 💩s and cries a lot, she’s also had her injections. Today I asked if he’d go to his parents with the baby without me, and now he’s in a foul mood with me, I’ve let him go to the pub last night and I…
Hey everyone, I’m a first time mum to my beautiful baby boy, but also a stay at home mum, while my partner works. I would like to ask how people deal with the stay at home mum life, as I’m struggling. I pretty much don’t leave my house, and just always clean and tidy and obviously take care of my little guy. But I’m...
Everyday I wait for my baby daddy to wake up , to see what we doing for the day . 😫😫 i miss moving on my own time. I literally can get so much done , if I didn't have to be on his time . Like if we out hustling and I get hungry . He makes me wait until we done to get something to eat . Because he wants to make…
Is anyone else just feel like they are not themselves? I feel like I’m just mum. Baby is 2 months old and I’m breastfeeding so I don’t leave baby much at all. In fact I don’t really want to leave her. But I do feel jealous of her Dad as I feel like he has carried on with life, going back to work, seeing friends ect ...
How do you cope with having more than one child with sen I am feeling so depressed I have no life of my own and I feel judged by everyone including the teachers at the mainstream school and I feel like I’m failing I’m tired of pretending to be happy and strong I get jealous sometimes of other mums who have an easy life
I can't stop the sadness and loneliness. They're horrendous. I know it just means I loved my baby. But it's so damn hard.
I have a 5 month old and I feel so lonely during the day when my partner is at work because there's not a lot to do. How do other mums cope?
Is it just me or is being a full time stay at home mom really hard sometimes especially when you have no friends to talk to. Being a stay at home mom full time has its good moments but for me it also has its depressing moments as well. I really think having a friend I could just text and reach out to would help a lot
If one more blog, influencer, or book tells me to wake up 15 minutes earlier for self-care, I'm going to scream. 😤 That advice just doesn’t work for me. And honestly, I don’t think it’s practical for most moms either. Every extra minute of sleep is precious—sleep is self-care! My belief is this: self-care…
I am very happy to spend every day taking care of my baby. I love the quality time and being able to meet his every need. I am grateful to be a SAHM, but sometimes, especially after 10m, I miss working? I miss being around people every day and interacting with guests at work. I miss the creative outlet my work provi...
I actually want to run out of ny work because I feel sick and anxious..I don't know how to talk to people..I want to get away from there..I don't even know what job to do because of teh way I feel...really loosing rest of my confidence.
He finally got the confidence to go down slide on his own
Having a hard time balancing what’s in front of me and social media scrolling. I want to be more present but at the same time I’m bored. Phone pick ups are crazy high. How do i quit
Any tips on staying positive
Any young mams from newcastle not having enough people to support them? Add my snap we can be friends. We can go on girly days out. Baby shopping. Get our nails done and be there for eachother physically and mentally. Itzme3lle20
Anyone free for a chat? Little one has just turned a month old and I can’t shake these feelings of sadness all the time. I’m barely sleeping, even when little one sleeps, I find myself just wide awake even though I’m so tired. I’m starting to feel like the worst mum. I don’t want to talk about this to anyone I know ...