Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
I hate that I get called ungrateful but I hate that I have to be grateful for something that I've not asked for! Example, My lovely lovely dad bought us an 8 seater picnic bench as a wedding present, obviously to put in the garden, and my 2 very small children keep climbing up onto it, falling off and hurting themse...
What did you buy your 3 year old for her birthday? Struggling with ideas considering in a few months it’s Christmas 🥴
One of my friends announced today that she is 16 weeks pregnant with non identical twins (they won’t find out gender). I’d like to buy her a gift and wondered what you would recommend.
Can you provide ideas on what you are buying your little one for Christmas please. We’re buying ours a kitchen set and toddler football goals with a football but stuck with ideas when he has everything he needs. People are asking me what they can get him and we’re struggling ourselves 🫣
We have our first 2nd birthday party soon and I have no idea what are ideal presents to gift? A book or is that considered stingy? You never know what parents like their children to play with, so I was wondering if there are any ideas and suggestions that tend to be a hit! Thank you 😊
Sorry I know it's too soon to be talking Christmas but I'm pregnant and need to be organised! If I make these from my LO would take be enough as a gift do you think !? My partner's family are big on presents for everyone 🤦🏼♀️
Would you feel a bit sad if you make a birthday party for your 3 yr old and everyone shows up but no one brings a gift? My mom was the only person who brought a gift and I felt a little sad because my daughter was so excited. (Our gift to her is on its way from Amazon) but I just felt a little bummed for her. Althou...
Okay so December birthdays are coming soon. I ended up making my own invitations to his birthday party. I loved making them and I know they aren’t perfect when it comes to being centered and even. But I thought I could work on them and get better. Now my thought is so sell customized ones through Etsy or something l...
What are you getting your 3yr old for xmas stocking fillers? And how do you navigate which gifts are from you and santa?
Is that ridiculous? I’ve not hit the pay button yet.. but I just want to get it done in one fell swoop
What’s everyone getting their Two years birthday? Thanks
Hate to bring it up lol but what are people getting there little ones for Christmas I’m totally stuck…and how much are people spending I’ve no idea what the average budget is now a days for Christmas 🤣
Ladies with 6 year old girls this Christmas (7 early 2025). What are you getting your girls for Christmas? First year I’m stumped! Her interests change daily and looking for inspiration.
What’s everyone getting their little ones for Xmas ??
Hi does anyone have a artipoppe code please? Thank you! X
I just found out about the boots recycle app. You need a booots advantage to use but you enter in “hard to recycle” products (wipe packets, nappy packs, there is loads but for mums we go through the majority of these) and you drop 5 off at boots and you get points back!! Over a year you could get points on your card...
Does anyone have a piggy Bank or a saving jar for your little one? What kind is it? My son has a crayon bank in blue.
Hello, sorry to mention the c word but I’m going to have an almost 6 month old for Christmas. I’ve already bought him a tonie box for it and don’t need to buy him much more. However what sort of things do they need at that 6 month milestone that I’d probably end up buying him anyways that I could get him? Thank you xx
I’m already being asked what I want people to buy for my little girl for Christmas, she will be 10 and a half months by then and I have no idea. I’m personally just going to wrap up the toys she’s already got as she won’t understand Christmas by then anyway but I don’t even know what practical things to suggest, wha...
Any point in getting one? We've bought a next to me for upstairs