Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
Not bought anything yet and have no ideas on what to buy! Any ideas please? Thanks!
What are you getting your LO for their 2nd birthday. 🥹🫶🏽 (how quick has that gone btw!?) So far I’ve just ordered my boy a balance bike, flash cards and a learning maths toy.
Mommas what are you guys doing for Christmas regarding presents for your LO? I really want to get my girl presents however my partner and his family are slightly changing my mind saying they is no point this year… I get it, but it’s our baby’s first Christmas😩 Don’t know if to just get her a stocking and fill…
What’s everyone getting their partners for Christmas from your baby? And also grandmothers? My little girl and her grandma are very close so I want to get her something special for Christmas💕
I know, I'm just getting prepared lol! What's everyone getting their little ones for Christmas? I've got family asking for ideas already and I've no clue!
I have a couple of family members who buy my lo stuff that really isn't to my taste. And with Xmas and Jan baby birthday coming up, I'm getting worried about the kind of presents they are going to buy. Has anyone got any advice on how I can try approach this subject in a nice way 🫣
Those of you with older babies, please can I have your input? I would like to buy my best friend of 20 years something to celebrate her daughter’s upcoming first birthday. I like the idea of celebrating her too on her birth day because she’s a truly wonderful human being. I am going to get her a bunch of flowers but...
Any present ideas to get my 20month old for Christmas please?
I started selling things on Vinted but not sure what’s to best package it in? Any good cheap once people can recommend on Amazon? Don’t want to spend too much money if I’m sending something for like £2
What are you buying your babas for christmas? I'm not going to go overboard but am struggling to think of many ideas.
I am thinking of getting a tonies box for my little boy for Christmas are they any good ?
As he’ll only be 9m, he won’t know whats going on at Xmas anyway… but would like some ideas for things to put in his stocking please? - so far I’ve got socks 😂 I wouldn’t have done one but I have an older daughter who’s 3, so Santa can’t miss out her little brother!
I hate that I get called ungrateful but I hate that I have to be grateful for something that I've not asked for! Example, My lovely lovely dad bought us an 8 seater picnic bench as a wedding present, obviously to put in the garden, and my 2 very small children keep climbing up onto it, falling off and hurting themse...
What did you buy your 3 year old for her birthday? Struggling with ideas considering in a few months it’s Christmas 🥴
One of my friends announced today that she is 16 weeks pregnant with non identical twins (they won’t find out gender). I’d like to buy her a gift and wondered what you would recommend.
Can you provide ideas on what you are buying your little one for Christmas please. We’re buying ours a kitchen set and toddler football goals with a football but stuck with ideas when he has everything he needs. People are asking me what they can get him and we’re struggling ourselves 🫣
We have our first 2nd birthday party soon and I have no idea what are ideal presents to gift? A book or is that considered stingy? You never know what parents like their children to play with, so I was wondering if there are any ideas and suggestions that tend to be a hit! Thank you 😊
Sorry I know it's too soon to be talking Christmas but I'm pregnant and need to be organised! If I make these from my LO would take be enough as a gift do you think !? My partner's family are big on presents for everyone 🤦🏼♀️
Would you feel a bit sad if you make a birthday party for your 3 yr old and everyone shows up but no one brings a gift? My mom was the only person who brought a gift and I felt a little sad because my daughter was so excited. (Our gift to her is on its way from Amazon) but I just felt a little bummed for her. Althou...
Okay so December birthdays are coming soon. I ended up making my own invitations to his birthday party. I loved making them and I know they aren’t perfect when it comes to being centered and even. But I thought I could work on them and get better. Now my thought is so sell customized ones through Etsy or something l...