Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
Those of you who have older children, are you buying them a present from the new baby? If so, what are you getting them? 🥰
What are you getting your little ones for Christmas? Trying to be organised 😅
Did anyone manage to grab the things they want? I didn’t know it was that serious or I would have been there at the crack of dawn 😭
Hi It’s my daughter’s 1st birthday in a few weeks and I wanted to do personalised gift tags, stickers and possibly a welcome sign. Does anyone know where I can get these printed on card? Thanks!
Thought to go out for a nice meal but what else...
My daughters key worker at nursery is leaving tomorrow - is it weird to give her a bottle of Prosecco and a card?
Thinking of getting my little boy a tonies box for Christmas, has anyone got one or can recommend age appropriate characters to get?
My boy has been invited to his first birthday party, it is for a 2 year old girl. It’s someone from nursery and I don’t know her. What is a reasonable amount to spend? Any ideas would also be welcome x
I think a few of us are in the same boat re Xmas and birthday present lists and the struggle being so close together. I thought I’d create a post for everyone to post ideas/links?
Looking for birthday gift ideas that are not toys or clothing
So little one it’s turning 1 on the 25th November so I’m all boxed off for presents for him and have now come to the realisation that I genuinely don’t know what to get him for Christmas!! So if anyone has started Christmas shopping please give me inspiration on what to get him cause I’m stuck
What are you buying for your toddler (Christmas gifts) on Amazon for prime day? Looking for inspiration for my little girl.
So my LO will be coming up for 2 this Christmas. I'm looking for ideas for presents! So far on the list we want to get: A Dolly & pram Play kitchen Play dough set Bath toys And a toniebox- are these actually worth it?! Thanks in advance for you help/ ideas!
Has anyone found any good deals for Birthday or Christmas presents for your little one's in the Amazon Prime day sale?
You know how folks can set up sites for a "honeymoon fund" for wedding gifts? Is there anything like that for gifts for birthdays, etc? I'd love to ask family to contribute to something big, like a swing set, for holiday/birthday gifts for LO, but I can't find a site that would do that... does anyone know if somethi...
Hi ladies! I’m wanting to do my little girl a 1st of December box instead of a Christmas Eve box so she can get use out of the things I get her a lot more. Her birthday is on the 2nd so I don’t want to get her too much in the box just to be forgotten about with her presents on her birthday. Is anyone else doing ...
My husband’s birthday is coming up and I’m looking for ideas for a present for him from my daughter please! I’m at a loss!
Hi. I'm a first time mum, just trying to figure out Christmas budget. Anyone know the etiquette for nursery gifts. Do I buy a small gifts for the nursery workers? Or just buy a box of chocks for everyone? Or nothing at all? I'm useless with stuff like this but trying to be a organised mum.
Hello everyone! My little boy has just started nursery. I’m the person who gets Christmas presents for everyone 😂 my hair dresser, nail technician GP everyone gets a present 🤣 should I be handing in a few boxes of chocolates and a present for his key worker? Should it be everyone in the room although this can vary?…
What's everyone got/used. I don't know if it's worth getting one of each or just having one? Opinions please 🩷