Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
What's on your kids lists? I know it still early 😂 My daughter loves EVERYTHING and we're going to be cross country so have to keep it small and I'm drawing blanks 😭
I know i do
What is everyone getting there almost 4 year old for Christmas? I know people will start asking and I'm just not inspired, for little gifts or something bigger from mummy and daddy. Any suggestions?
Does anyone have any ideas for gifts we can make for new grandparents? We are expecting our new baby this November.
My MIL has a lovely pair of neighbours who have been in my daughters life since she’s been a couple of weeks old (due to being born prem they didn’t meet her until she was a month old) and from the moment they have met her they have been absolutely obsessed with her and absolutely adore her. They are like her auntie...
What are we getting our little ones for Christmas & they’re birthday with it being so close together I’m really struggling what to get 🙈🙈
Is my partner in the right to stop buying Christmas/birthday/mothers day gifts for BM (obviously from the children) when she doesn’t reciprocate? He has spent the best part of around 2 or 3 years now buying her presents for their children to give her (and it’s always something expensive she’s had the cheek to ask fo...
What people's views on tonie boxes as I'm thinking of getting my little boy one for Christmas
Can I have some ideas of what people are getting their LO? X
I know it’s ages away still butttttt what are you all getting your little ones for Christmas?
Those who have already bought or will be buying one for Christmas, which one are you getting? I can't decide! Also, where are you putting them in the house? Need to make space lol
What are we all doing for Christmas & birthday presents? That’s me not got anymore SMP left & unpaid until January (with some KIT days to use up), I won’t be getting a lot but what I do get, I want it to be amazing & good for development! What’s on everybody’s list for Santa??
Stuck on ideas… Please help me!!!
I’m really struggling with ideas of what to get my little one for Christmas, have yous got any ideas please? 🙏
Struggling for ideas of what to get my little one for Christmas. Can yous recommend somethings please?! 🙏
Very excited & happy to receive all of this in my Emma’s Diary packs today from Boots in Sheffield, Meadowhall! Seen so many saying that what they got in their packs were rubbish, but I’m impressed! :)
I've already been asked for my daughter's Christmas list lol. What's on your kiddo's list?
Any ideas for Christmas presents this year? Really stuck on what to get LO, she already has a bike, scooter and toy kitchen which she doesn’t actually bother with that much! I was thinking of a dolls house but unsure if she’s too young?
Seeing lots of people asking about what they're getting little ones for Christmas. I've just been to my local Aldi and they're having a wooden toy event with loads of lovely things! I've picked up loads and I'll split them between Christmas and first birthday. Worth checking out if you have an Aldi near you.
People are asking me already and I've no idea really!! On the list so far I've got: gift cards for the classes we go to, weaning stuff, money for her savings and clothes in the next few sizes! Are there any specific toys or things that are good around 6 months ish? Or things that can be put away for a few months a...