I'm giving the baby life for Christmas, that's enough Christmas present until they get to a Christmas they'll actually remember 🤣
No presents but I am getting a really cute Christmas outfit for him and matching pjamas for me and my 12 and 8 yr old and baby boy for some super cute pictures 😍 memories are whats important
@Emma Aw sweet! where did you get the matching pyjamas from? I’ve looked everywhere and really struggling😫
They have some really cute fluffy ones in morrisons with penguins this year x primark also normally do matching pjamas
I have a 2.5yr old, so yes for the sake of "santa" bringing the baby gifts we are. I've literally just got 2 rattles, a tummy time black/white crinkle thing, a wee outfit in 3-6m & a bib/hat with my 1st Xmas on. I am putting money aside for when the baby is a little older to get age appropriate toys x
No 😂 I definitely will next year but this year would be pointless. I did buy her a little Christmas outfit though
I was going to get a couple because I have 2 children and don't want them thinking Santa hasn't got him anything 🥲 only small things and not a lot at all x
I'm due 22nd they may be the present on Christmas day 😂😂😂 but no this is our first so we won't this year I think I'd be too overwhelmed to even think about it xx
I got them two presents- just for a little picture with them really. No matter what it’s their first Xmas so I wanted a cute pic :)
I am getting a few bits so my 3 year old sees her little brother or sister getting something off Santa too x
She is due 21st! I’ve just bought her a little Christmas Day outfit, a sensory toy and a Christmas book just in case she is here for Christmas. This is our first baby and I’m trying to manifest the shit out of making sure she is here before Christmas Day so some little presents under the tree is going to work I hope xxx
Only so my son doesn’t think Santa hasn’t forgotten his baby brother! But we’re just wrapping up bits we would’ve got for baby had it not been Christmas 😂 we’ve got an Ollie the owl (just gotta survive a week from C-section without using it) a jelly cat teddy, and a Christmas outfit x
I’ve just spent like over 2 grand on him, he has everything he could possibly want or need. No way I’m buying him a present lol Of course buy something if you want, maybe some high contrast books or a soft toy but tbh all babies want is to be with you and that’s special enough.
I have bought a few little bits for my baby at Christmas but this is only really so my 2 year old doesn’t think santa forgot her baby sister. I have bought both my girls matching comforters with there names embroidered on them Xx
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mines due 21st and i have her a christmas day outfit and also presents so that she’s got stuff for as she gets bigger as she’ll have no presents till the same time again next year so got a few toys and chew toys and stuff also love christmas so want to make it special even if she doesn’t remember it we will and if she’s not here by then, then we’ve already got some toys for her ready xx
@Mia Love this, I feel exactly the same!! Just getting things I would of got any way but just wrapping them to make it that extra special even if they don’t know any different, I would feel a type of mum guilt if everyone else is receiving presents😂🫶🏼
I’m due around Christmas and I have bought some things, I’ve bought like the white company robe, blankets etc. some stuff that aren’t exactly ‘essentials’ and more of little splurges. It’s absolutely for photos and memories for myself. I’m not even sure she’ll be here by then but if she’s not there’s no harm done haha xx
Our LO is coming on 2nd Dec by elective section and initially I was like nah, no point. However, I love Christmas and I didn’t want our near 2 year old to think 🤔 why hasn’t the baby got presents, so we’ve got a little Christmas Day outfit, some baby Uggs and a large jelly cat octopus. We’re also doing matching Xmas PJs and I’ve got little bits for a Christmas Eve box for both kids. I’m actually super excited to start making Christmas memories, even if they’re just for us this year and baby won’t have a clue xx
My baby will be around 2 weeks at Christmas she's due 7th December 🥰 I have gotten her some books, a personalised 1st Christmas tree decoration, a blanket and I have made her a Christmas eve crate to put the books teddies ect in which we can re use each year. i am making my matching pjs for us as a family this year I have an embroidery machine and personalised PJ's last year for my family and friends so will be doing this again as I have been really struggling to find some with a matching baby sleep suit under 3-6 monthb 🥰 I know she won't really know what's going on but I wanted to start some Christmas traditions this year. Xx
Yes I will, but only because my youngest kids still believe in Santa. Not getting a lot though, a couple of toys/playmat and a christmassy sleep suit to wear on the day. Things I would’ve got anyway, but I’ll wrap and say they’re from Santa
My baby will be around 2 weeks old too, I have got him the fisher price piano mat - recommended from a few friends and a couple of other interactive toys that can be used from 3 months so I don’t have to buy them when I’m on maternity leave
No presents here. They don't know what Christmas is and they already have so many new things since they've just been born haha. We got ours a cute Xmas outfit, a tartan sleepsuit but that's it really