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I have a topic that might be interesting .. What things (of any sort) have you bought that you are completely satisfied with (made your life better/easier), and what would you absolutely not recommend buying? No ads, only honest recommendations, please.😃
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This is a very adulty answer. But a dehumidifier, I love ours, one of the best things we bought 😂

Don't recommend. Voting for Trump. Buying a changing table. It worked well for storage but changing nappies was safer on the bed or the floor. Recommend. Colgate total 24 hr protection. Vote for K Harris. A washing machine that let's you add clothes once the cycle has started. Hire help around the house. A portable urinal bottle during/after potty training. Get sensory toys for adhd and autism even if your baby is not. Eat lots of legumes.

A dishwasher lazy yes probably but saves the who's washing up arguments and much easier

Recommend : An Alexa - certain books I’ve bought - I’ll add to this if I think of more lol - what I don’t recommend - an at home nail lamp - and gel nail polish-, doesn’t work at home - you need a professional annoyingly - at least the one I bought was terrible - or the nail polish I used when I tried it was bad idk

Tushbaby carrier!!

My kitchenaid is something I didn’t “need” at the time but has made my life amazing lol I started a baking side hustle so I use it constantly for that along with making sourdough in it for my family. Also if you want to start sourdough I highly recommend Eden on Etsy. The instructions were super easy to follow and it’s great quality

Recommend- cordless vacuums!! We have a Dyson and a Bissell wet/dry one that lets you mop and vacuum at the same time, such time savers! Don’t recommend- I know most people will disagree with this but I only used a stroller once or twice with my first born. I preferred just carrying him around until he could walk

A double basket air fryer! We have the Ninja one. You can cook at two different temperatures and lengths of time. It's so nice when you have multiple things you want to air fry for a meal.

Towels, cut them if you are EBF/ cut and use as burp cloths they hold so much better less laundry & can stuff in your bra if needed. Built in bra tanks/ shirts! A MUST. & a used Graco Everyway from fb market. It was the only way I could put my daughter down

investing in a good man. i’m set for life lol

Comfy nursing chairs for our nurseries! Use them sooooo much since my babies hate sleep

A vacuum robot

Super king bed 🤌

@Kimberley what’s a Super king bed?

@Jenny bigger than a queen and a king size bed, extra wide lol 😂

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