Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

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So I had a health department appointment to verify pregnancy today. She said my test was positive but faint. If I went off my last period I would be 8 weeks 5 days. If I go with when I ovulated I’m only a little over 4 weeks about 16-17dpo. Has this happened to anyone else and them go on to have a healthy pregnancy....



What can I buy from the store to help with irregular periods and trying to get pregnant Successful stories about Geritol


When to test ?

So… hubby and I may have got carried away in the moment… so at this present time I’m 9 weeks pp. had my first period on the 10th November. We had our moment on 28th nov. I think it would be unlikely to get pregnant as it took us over 10 years to fall pregnant as I have Pcos. But not sure…. When should I test as woul...


Trying for baby number 2

We were lucky with our June baby as she was a surprise so we never went through the trying for a baby phase. We have been trying for baby number 2 for 3 months now and it's so disheartened every time I get my period. Also it's making me hate having sex as it's just becoming a chore. How do people cope with this disa...


Affordability of a second child?

Hi! My little one is about to turn two in January and I can’t help but feel a deep longing to have a second child. That said, it is financially challenging to have a second one. My husband and I both work full time and make a good living, but paying for child care and living life overall costs so much. Not sure if i...


First FET

Hey ladies, going for my first FET tomorrow any recommendations to do before or after? I have acupuncture booked which I have being doing for a good while now which I love and helps me relax. Anyone else going in tomorrow we can be transfer buddies



Hey everyone, I just wanted to share that I finally got my BFP at 5 weeks + 1 day! I’ve seen so many posts about faint positives at 4 weeks, and I was in the same boat. Since I’m considered high-risk (due to complications with my firstborn), I went to the doctor today and had bloodwork done. My hCG levels came back ...



I found out I was pregnant yesterday at 4 weeks 3 days. Here is my test. Do you think the line is too light for this gestation? I’ve done another today and it’s only a fraction darker, but still very light. In my first pregnancy my line was super dark by 4+3. Anyone else had a similar looking test at 4+3?


Too strong!?

This is a test done at 3 weeks 4 days - it’s stronger than the control line… is this normal!?


Ovulation to track HCG

Anyone else use ovulation tests to check that the pregnancy is getting stronger? 😅 Wish I could have daily blood tests to track hcg 🥲 Currently pregnant at 19 DPO 🤍


Blood tests

I’ve found out I am ‘ A negative’ blood type. Does this affect me in anyway? Do I have to have special treatment etc?


Cervical checks

Did having a cervical check make you feel more reassured or disappointed in your progress? 39+5 today and just debating whether or not to get one done. Don’t want to be disappointed if I’m not dilated at all but still curious.


TTC - kits

This is my first time using ovulation kits. I feel as though I’m ovulating (discharge, one sided pain and increase in libido) but this is low? Could I have just missed it or is it coming? My cycle is between 33-47 days in length so I ovulate later than most hence CD19.


Tests 5 week pregnant

I took my first test on the day of my missed period (first picture) I took the second test IN COMMENTS just now and I’m around 5 weeks Is it darker?



Has anyone had this? The positive one I took this morning but looked at after the recommended ten minutes so there was every chance it could be a evaporation line. I took another one at lunch time and it was negative however it stayed negative which is making me think it isn't an evaporation line. Has anyone ever ha...


Is this an evaporation line

Decided to take a pregnancy test as I’ve been having cramps and spotting I’m on the pill but have been on antibiotics which I’ve heard can interfere with the pill working. The line only appeared after about 25 minutes and it was a 6 days before missed period test


Not getting darker quick enough?

Hey, So I have had 9 pregnancy losses, the most recent being 2 months ago, so I'm really anxious. Are these actually getting darker? I'm worried because my tests didn't take this long to get dark with my daughter that I can remember 😞


Pregnancy test

Has anyone tested negative on their pregnancy test 3 days before their next period? Than they retested the day after their missed period and were pregnant?


Period due today no sign currently

Unsure if faint line will put other picture in comments


Day 3 to Day 5 failure

Hi everyone, We’ve just had our first cycle of ivf with create in Manchester. We retrieved 15 eggs, 12 were mature, 11 were fertilised. On Day 3, we had 7 top quality embryos (8-10 cells), 2 average and 2 below average. Obviously we were over the moon and so positive. On Day 5 they rang to say none had reached blas...


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