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Tips for surviving the two week wait? I absolutely drive myself crazy. As soon as I hit 6DPO I want to start testing (I know better but I can’t help it) and then it’s just nothing but hurt feelings. How do people actually wait till there missed period? How do you no go crazy thinking you might be pregnant?
EPU appointment due to previous losses. 6+5 according to the app but not totally sure when ovulation was. They could see the sac and yolk but not baby or heart beat yet…. Got to go back in ten 10 days, so triggering due to previous losses. Last time we had this it never came…. Any positive stories like this welcome!!
Has anyone had 3 positive tests followed by 1 negative? What does this mean 😭
Still five days to go. Early one said not pregnant got told to try these.
I’m in a serious relationship where we are talking about kids and living together. I have a child with someone else that isn’t involved at all but is on birth certificate. My partner would love to adopt my child. He’s the one that has been a dad to my child more than the actual dad. How do we go about it? I’m in UK
I only had sex on day of ovulation and the next day is there chance that I can get pregnant??
Went in last night with pains and they swabbed to say it was a positive result I got admitted and given steroid injections, anyone know the likelihood at this gestation of him coming? My poor baby shower is meant to be Saturday 😢
I’ve never had a late period before my AF is now 3 days late, and I tested this morning with FMU negative ,so I must just be stressed , do I wait for my periods to restart before trying to conceive again ? Or seek medical advice as this is very unusual for me and I’m 34
I'm due on today got mild cramping like I normally do is this normal even if I got a faint positive
Hi all! My embryo transfer cycle was just cancelled on Friday. My body was not responding to the Gonal F and my lining was not thickening. I am now cycle day 16 and just wondering if it is possible to be pregnant. I have been having on and off flu like symptoms, constipation, as well as acid reflux. I would think t...
My embryo transfer cycle was cancelled on Friday. My body wasn't reacting to the Gonal F and my estrogen wasn't rising, nor was my lining getting any thicker. I now have flu like symptoms that come and go, acid reflux, and constipation. These symptoms seem like early pregnancy symptoms, and I'm just wondering if it ...
I wanted to get more opinions as this is my first time using ovulation test strips. Just by looking at these results, does it look like the “highs” are my peaks? or maybe I haven’t peaked yet? Thanks for your opinions. 🤍
Is this a high test? Look like it to me but according to the Premom app it not. Test line is almost as dark as control line.
Is this almost positive? I ran one for fun. Promised my husband this round I would test until I missed my period. Well currently only period and this looks like it's going to peak soon
I recently got 3 positives, the digital came through at 2-3 weeks, however using NHS website, and the flo app, with the first day of my last period, they predict I’m 6 weeks tomorrow… why is this 🤣 I feel like I should know the answer because I already have a 4 year old, butttt I just forgot how everything works! Ha
Heyyy , I don’t want anything fr . I will be a first time mom to a baby boy come February , I just want any little advice you guys can give me
Anyone who doesnt hand me me child back the second i ask fills me with a rage I did not know was possible 🙃 like give me my baby
I'm newly 34 Mom of a two year old. My husband and I have been trying for another baby for over a year now. I find myself missing the 'old me' before kids. Like, I've lost all my hobbies due to completely focusing on my son. That's not that problem. The problem is, do I really want another child? I mean- I want my s...
I have a 2 year old daughter and newborn son and I don’t feel a bond with my new baby. I feel like I love my daughter more and it feels awful to say this :-(
Usually when you ovulate, do you feel anything? Or no symptoms?