Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.

Copper IUD

How bad is it. Is it that bad. Do you have it, do you like it, hate it, give me details. I don’t want any BC but my husband will not get a vasectomy. That’s the only non hormonal one, but I know it makes periods heavier. How bad is it really. Also pls tell me honestly how bad the IUD placement is bc that’s my bigge...


How many babies

Truly what do you think the perfect number of children is? I have 2 young boys and debating a third, would like a daughter but would equally be happy and grateful regardless. I understand it depends on other factors like finance, housing etc. But does the feeling of wanting another baby ever go away?


If you have more than 1 child

If you have more than 1 child what was harder


When did you let family hold your baby

😫 even the family u don’t like but have to get along


TTC after Laparoscopy

Hello! I’m recently diagnosed endometriosis/ adenomyosis. I had a laparoscopy in December which removed the endo and now looking to TTC again. Looking for any positive stories as I’m super anxious- been TTC baby #2 for over a year 😩



So I had my 28wk blood test on 13th December that indicates anaemia. I wasn't told about it only found out today because I was looking at previous test results. I am seeing midwife tomorrow so I will bring it up then, but can untreated anaemia have any negative effects on me or baby ?


One test says pregnant and other says not

I’m 13 DPO, on day 9 I got a positive test with a very very faint line which today was darker (see in photo) but I just took a digital and it says Not pregnant, is this normal?


Medicated or non-medicated FET

Our reason for IVF is male factor but I do have a very low AMH in my early 30s and responded poorly to stims. We have one embryo is the freezer so one shot as it took several rounds to get this embryo. Does anyone have any advice or experience re medicated or non-medicated FETs? - anything in particular I should con...


On the fence for a 3rd kid

We currently are satisfied with our 2 kids, a girl and a boy. But both of us are in the fence for a 3rd. Both of us came from a family of 5 (3 kids) and would just feel complete as a family of 5. On the other hand, we are already blessed with 2 healthy kids with no real good reason for a 3rd. Originally we agreed ...


Is this normal?

First test was taken today 11:37am Second test taken today 12:02pm much lighter The first one I dipped in a pee cup and held for ages and the second I just peed on directly for a minute. I’m worried now:(


Did I ovulate?

I’m wondering what everyone thinks about if I ovulated, I’ve never had this happen before bbt showed possible ovulation but test strips aren’t showing a peak. I also got a blinking smile on clear blue digital ovulation test for 3 days in a row. Did I ovulate? Has my peak just not shown up yet? More pictures in comments



Day #3 of my blinking smile, when will I get my solid smile?


Travel abroad with baby

I am planning to travel with baby abroad without my husband. Could you advise how to get a consent form and if needs to be signed in front of or by a notary/solicitor and by my husband? Any idea of the cost of this? Thank you



Sooo uhhh I may have fucked up😅 I’m on the iud, however my best friend gets these dreams that end up coming true. I’m not testing at all because why would I with the iud. Well her dream was that I was pregnant again. I’ve noticed the last couple days I’ve been sleeping more, eating less, craving sweets, have less…


Easier to look after LO without partner

Just a bit of rant... I find if much easier without my baby's father. I can manage the house and baby but with him I'm running around doing everything even though he helps with baby. It's so much easier to take care of it all alone. Probably sounds super harsh but we definitely are not a team and I've no interest be...


Another baby

Anyone else planning on getting pregnant again this year? We’re going to start trying again in September (took over a year first time tho). But it feels crazy to say I had a baby last year and want to get pregnant again this year. I’d rather leave it longer however my partner is a bit older and doesn’t want kids i...


Kids themselves are never the problem. The lack of community and support is.

I’m tired of culture blaming kids, telling us kids are universally a burden, not worth it, dream killers. Kids don’t have any choice. They’re born helpless and completely innocent. You’re not overwhelmed bc of your kid, you’re overwhelmed bc your mama heart needs better support from other adults ❤️🥲



Realistically what is the earliest I could get a positive on a test? Trying to hold out for as long as possible but I’m only 5dpo and struggling to not test already 😂😭



Who do you trust most to watch your child when you need to step away? Is it family, friends, or a professional caregiver? Share your thoughts and experiences!


Removing iud

I’m thinking about having my iud removed to try for another baby. Has anyone had experience with doing this? Is there a long waiting period before possibly conceiving? I’m also wanting it removed because my periods have been terribly long & very heavy, which isn’t my norm.


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