Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Just wondering why it’s not happening. I’m trying everything. 🥺
My Girlfriend and I are looking for a black/mixed race sperm donor. We’re looking for AI only and no contact. Where do we look for a donation. Just a baby app isn’t useful.
Anyone want to share their ttc journey? Discuss with others? Sending you all baby dust 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Hi ladies, had anyone ever had experience with their partner being diagnosed with low morphology (1% in our case) and still getting pregnant naturally? My GP has said we have to continue trying for 2 years, despite the fact my partner has low sperm density and low morphology 😭.
Still struggling to get anything out 😥 Any tips would be greatly appreciated! I’m nervous I’m going to have none as a backup when I go into labour and I’m currently 38+4.
Just curious how long it took to get pregnant ? I’ve been ttc for two years now.
We have been TTC for about a year. My first round of clomid was unsuccessful. I just finished my second round & am about to enter ovulation time. I am feeling super defeated & scared. Negative tests & tampons are tear jerking. Advice & encouraging stories needed!!!
Anyone else TTC after depo? How are you all finding it? Also, if you are pregnant, how long did it take? ❤️
Our baby turns 1 next week and we've decided that we are ready to try for another baby. I'm still EBF and haven't had a period yet so have no idea if I'm even ovulating. I bought ovulation sticks and have been using them for a few weeks and maybe had 1 positive reading but I'm still not sure. I guess I'm just lookin...
For those who have already had a baby how long did it take to conceive? For my first baby I fell pregnant after 4 months of ttc and sadly miscarried but then fell pregnant immediately after so it basically took 5 months. My baby is currently 3 months and we are trying for baby number 2. I know it’s not been long ...
Has anyone used this while TTC and found it worked? If so which one did you use (UK) and how much did you take? TIA
We are in debates about trying to have another and I really am one second like YES LETS DO IT - to the next absolutely a firm no 😂🙈 Have you fallen pregnant again? Are you TTC, are you waiting a little bit? Are you one and done? Where are you all at? 🤪I don’t know if it’s mental going again when my little boy is…
Who else forgot how to do random things after having a baby? She’s one month old and I swear, since having her, I’ve forgotten how to crack an egg 😂😂
Lets support eachother! First injection - smashed it 💪🏼🥰
I’m ttc my first baby but no luck and on month 4 now. feeling really sad and don’t know what could be wrong. I have regular periods and both myself and partner did tests and all seemed fine. How long did it take everyone to conceive their first baby and is it normal it hasn’t happened by month 4 :(
If you’re planning another baby, when do you think you’ll start TTC? Not sure when best age gap would be, pros & cons to all ages!
Random question (which maybe very silly lol) do any of you lovely ladies ever burn candles while baby is around? I love a candle at this time of year but have been reluctant to light any due to baby being up?? Not sure if I’m over thinking it or just not worth it
Want to be buddies so we can test together? When do y'all plan on testing? I plan on it at 10dpo. But this wait is so long!
Is anyone thinking about trying for baby number 2 soon or currently pregnant?
I got pregnant straight away with my 2 year old, but second time around it’s not working out that easy for us. Interested to hear from others what the next steps are when you go to the GP after 12 months of unsuccessful ttc? Like what testing is offered?