I'm pregnant again only 5 months after emergency C-section.
Hey guys. Just found out that I'm 4 weeks pregnant again after having my baby 5 months ago via emergency c section.
I'm not going to lie... I'm freaking out. Very upset. Our first was planned to a tee and we thought we were being careful with contraception but apparently not careful enough. 😭
I'm worried about possible medical risks and all the bad things that can happen for me and baby. What I guess I'm wondering is if there are other mamas out there who have been in similar situations who have some good news stories? Could really use the positivity right now. Thanks in advance ❤️
Hi I also got pregnant very quickly after emergency c section, I was very upset initially aswell but everything went smoothly and I am delighted with my little girl now. I totally empathise though it is very anxiety provoking when it happens so quickly after emergency c section