Oh wow congratulations ❤️ I looked at the ovasitol and it sounded good. I might give it a try and see if it helps. Thankyou x
I have! I actually used this brand before but then my gynecologist recommended two other brands. Which I know use this one and really like - Viridian Myo-Inositol & Folic Acid Powder 120g. I think you get more for your money too. I would say with that, other vitamins and diet has helped me with my PCOS. Not just that on its own. I also have been doing acupuncture. I recently had a chemical pregnancy so I know that I can get pregnant now and I do think it’s cause of everything I have been doing. I hope that helps.
I take a brand called Fertility Family and they do myo-inositol with Folic acid and alpha-lactalbumin
It regulated my periods the first month of taking and I ovulated.. had a biphasic bbt chart too :) but you do have to take it on an empty stomach for it to be effective :)
Thankyou everyone for your replies ❤️
I tried ovasitol, loved it! My A1C came down to 5.4% from 5.8% and took my cravings and mood swings away almost instantly.
I have PCOS and used Ovasitol and loved it! No side effects and we conceived and are now due in October