It's so fun! Mine loves counting too! He is counting fingers, fruit, animals, vehicles etc. He can read the numbers too but the books we have go to 10.
@Melissa mine is the same with her colours and shapes. We got some dry wipe pen control books with letters and numbers in and she can point out the letters that are in her name if they are uppercase, not lowercase. She tells me how to play when she plays and sings her songs and asks me to sing certain ones with her and she fills in the missing words but the backwards counting threw me today 😂💀
My daughter can count to at least 22 and recognizes all the numbers and most letters. She can count backwards from 10. Knows all her colors and most shapes. She's also drawing recognizable fish, sharks, and faces and can write a few letters. She also started singing her own made up songs and telling me rules for her made up games