Help me!!!!

I’ve tried everything to get my almost four year old son to potty train and nothing is helping. I don’t want to put him in school without being potty trained and I don’t want to wait a whole year for him to go to school! Please help me!!!
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@Iris yes

My pediatrician recommended putting my little one one the potty every two hours

I had a hard time as well. I read the books and nothing was helping. I decided to follow my mother in laws advice and it worked. First I left him with no underwear in the house for like 2 weeks so I can monitor his body cues. Tip is to get wewe pads in the most traffic areas to minimize clean up. Then I put him in regular underwear when he got wet I would leave him in the wet underwear for a few mins and tell him it feels yucky to be wet right next time use the potty. For poop I would take him to the bathroom and drop the poop in and tell him that poo goes in the toilet. All changing happening in the bathroom. We did this for like 2 months until he started heading to the bathroom when he had to go. Hope this helps.

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