Two faint lines different tests?

Both took at the same time, do I see faint lines in both or is it just me? I’m only 10dpo but my period is due in 2 days (I have relatively short cycles) I’m terrified either way as I had a miscarriage 18 months ago and haven’t been able to get pregnant since. I’ve been told recently (literally 2 weeks ago) my chances of pregnancy were very slim and I wouldn’t qualify for ivf as I have a really low egg count so… does this look like it could be real? 🤞🏼 I had pink spotting yesterday too. Any advice on the lines so lm not going mad!!
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I see faint second lines on both! Congrats! There has been research to suggest that just because you have a low egg count doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t get pregnant naturally…have a read here

I see it!

I see it!! Keep testing over the next few days

I can see it on both. Good luck mumma

I see faint lines, the rule of thumb is "a line is a line" it being faint usually means it's just quite early. Praying that this is a congratulations 🥂

Good luck. Wishing for a sticky bean

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