40 in September - Moved our clinic to Prague 🙏🏻🤞🏻
5 years TTC, I am 39 with mild/mod Adenomyosis & my husband has male factor (Varicoceles on both sides) which was operated on but not fixed. After a year of treatment & 3 rounds of IVF on the NHS in London last year it resulted in 1 mis-miscarriage at 8 weeks & only 1 other embryo on ice which ended in it not making it through the thaw on transfer day (heartbreaking) we decided to go private & start our journey again in Prague (after numerous recommendations) tragically my Dad passed away suddenly from cancer in February but his Legacy was for us to have a family & carry on our family genes. He is funding our IVF, this is beautiful & tragic all in one. 💔 We are currently batching at Gynem clinic in Prague. 1st round only created 1 day 3 embryo which is on ice ❄️ next egg retrieval in August then another in November & also December if we need the numbers. Would love to hear others stories….
Hi! I’m so sorry to hear about your fertility struggles and your father passing! I’m 38 and just starting on the IVF journey. I wish you all the luck and success in the world! ❤️