@Aniza yeah at first it was just back pain but now I’m feeling it more on my side of stomach so I was like I wonder what it is but it’s on the same side and it radiates from side to back but I have no urinary symptoms at all 😭
Maybe kidney stones? 😩
If it was a UTI it should burn peeing at some point
i’ve been feeling this too and when i brought it up it was dismissed. i noticed the pain is stronger around my period, let me know how it goes
Yes, untreated UTI can turn into a kidney infection which would cause pain like you’re describing. Happened to me years ago. Not fun!
@Whitney went to the doctor and they did a urine test and no signs of bacteria or UTI. Is that how they caught yours?
Yes it can and also kidney infections can cause that too
Yes! Your kidneys (filter blood & urine) are in the back and therefore there can be lower back pain with a UTI if it has reached the kidneys.