My boy was big- all his ultrasounds his size was measuring 4-5 weeks ahead of where he actually was (>99th%) the doctors here won’t do inductions before 39weeks unless it’s medically necessary but on the day of my 39 week mark my water broke! It ended up being a slightly emergent c section but ultimately everything was okay!
@Emily may I ask what his weight was when born? X
Baby was estimated to be around 8 pounds at birth. She came out 9 pounds 7 ounces. So it can vary, not always on the smaller side.
Measuring big at scans literally means nothing! My daughter measured 2 weeks ahead (as well as my fundal height) from 20w to the end of my pregnancy. They told me she would be 8.5-9.5lbs. I had her at 40w4d and she was 7lb1oz
@Jami he ended up being 9lbs 10oz :)
my son wasn’t huge but i had an induction at 40 weeks because of my high risk pregnancy, i walked in at 1pm and my son was born at midnight that day. the only complains i have would be that stupid balloon induction method they use was extremely uncomfortable for me, and my hospital didnt allow me to get an epidural until they could monitor the baby for a certain amount of time, so that was painful and annoying as well. But after the epidural, they gave me Pitocin, which messed with my sons heartbeat and i had to move around a lot and deliver pretty quickly. Delivery was smooth and unpainful tho! Best of luck to you and your little one!
Size can vary, scans are not always accurate. At 32 weeks he was measuring 6lbs and a few oz… I got induced for preeclampsia at 37 weeks. He was born 37+1 at 9lbs 10oz. They estimated he would have been 13lbs if he went to 40 weeks. They never even suggested I get infused due to his size, and personally I would have denied it regardless. Induction contractions are NO JOKE. Omg 😭
My big boy was similar at 32 weeks, predicted big at 40 weeks and he was we waited until 40 weeks to start the induction process and he was born 10lbs at 40+2 emergency c section in the end but the whole birth process was still positive and I wouldn't have changed a thing. Induction process is long and tiring but if you are prepared for that it can be just as empowering I still practiced hypobirthing as much as I could and then c section was the right outcome in the end it was quick and easy and so happy to meet our boy after a long 2 days in hospital