I would definitely query it! The estimate shouldn’t be that out. I didn’t even get any estimates!
@Marissa thank you. I had worked out my own but because I’m also doing shared parental leave I couldn’t get my head around this so only had normal estimates. HR said they’re looking into it so fingers crossed x
@Polly thanks. They’re looking into it today. I thought it could be a little bit out but am shocked if it’s that wrong. I asked for estimates to see if I wanted to do SPL etc so I could compare x
My HR refused to do estimates with shared parental leave. I did my own (was a giant headache) and each pay has been roughly the same but always more. I can’t remember exactly how I did it, I just remember working out the weekly pay but it gets tricky when you get paid 1st to end of month and it is more than 4 weeks so it’s all just an estimate. I would speak to HR and ask them how they calculated it, of course query the pay just incase it’s a mistake x