My baby just started nursery he’s 9 months, I work there. Honestly, I took him with me this week for 7.30 start and I got him up at 7 just did bottle and got him ready! Was super easy. It is a long day, but he has sooo much fun there! He also has tea there at about 4, and they usually get snacks as well around 5.45-6, maybe your nursery is the same? Just means you don’t need to worry too much about tea (assuming they will still have a bottle before bed) xx
@Tamara wow 5 months that’s early! Well done mumma 🥰 glad it worked out for you! I think you are right and we just have to adapt naturally! My LO isn’t the best sleeper and I’m dreading being sleep deprived at work but I guess it’s just life😂😂 x
Honestly without coffee I don’t know how I would have survived haha! But ill be honest I usually go to bed at the same time as my LO (about 7pm) as I love my sleep 😂 but it did help as the days are long and I found prepping everything the night before (e.g putting bag packed in car and putting shoes near door etc) really helped as I was always running late 😂 xx
@Blaise Pearson my nursery do a cooked lunch at 11.30, and then they have an afternoon snack at 3.30 which is usually a bready snack with fruit / veg so I’m assuming she may be hungry once we’re home! Yeah I definitely know she will enjoy it there and will develop great from it 🥰 x
Oh okay! Annoying they don’t do a tea for them! It Hineslty makes my life so much easier! I have been making foods like lasagne and cottage pie and freezing portions for him so the days he doesn’t go I can just get one out in the morning xx
I went back to work when my LO was 5 months and I had the same issue as you, but honestly my LO gets tea at nursery and then when I get home we do bath/ bed routine. But she’s come on so well developmentally since being at nursery for long hours and she adjusted really well. So I wouldn’t change what I did, but it was hard. Think it was harder for me than it was my LO 😂 x