Yes you can carry up to 5.6 weeks of unused days into your next holiday year
@Rachel brilliant thanks v much 💗
You can carry it over! Your manager is probably thinking of the general rules, there should always be a clause to say the not carrying over does not apply to protective leave which includes mat leave! Dont forget to make sure they have added in your bank holidays as well
At my company, the accrued leave is protected for another year after returning x
They have to let you carry it over if they can’t accommodate you using it, I’d double check as it might be right that you have to use it all up if there’s enough time and they’re willing to approve it.
Yes until march 2025 you can take
@CeeCee they’ve said I can carry it over but need to use it up by the end of May. Do you think that sounds right/reasonable?
Yes that sounds okay as you’ll also have your new pot of leave. You can arrange a plan with your manager to use it as a phased return, Ive booked every Thursday off til 1st April and then going to request to actually reduce down to 4 days
@CeeCee yes I’m asking for every other Thursday off and also having one week off a month for a while. Hoping it’ll make the transition back to work easier 😂
So I think it depends on company policy. I took my mat leave at some point in October I think and was due back in end of September but my employer said that my holidays will need to be paid out or taken in one go at the end of my maternity leave. That’s taken me up to now and I’ll start next Friday 🥲