same girl. When i tell ppl i’m not having another kid they like to say “that’s what everyone says” but I can’t imagine going through this again. I love my baby but another newborn stage and breastfeeding again 😭😭😭
Definitely not alone. I love my son to death but the high risk pregnancy, his birth (extremely traumatic for me), a month long NICU stay, and having PPD/PPA makes me never want another one. Plus, kiddo needs me earthside and present. Me pregnant or him having a sibling would get in the way of that.
Ladies thank you so much for relating! I can’t tell you how reassuring is
I wanted to have only one but we got twins haha I grew up an only child and it was the best
@Stacey 🇵🇸 this is so reassuring because people are like “yOu wAnT hEr tO bE aN OnLY cHiLd? And I’m like bitch yall gonna raise them?! Stay up with them??
Exactlyyyy. I never understood why people even care? I’ve been asked so many times if I was bored coming up as an only child and they’re always so shocked when I tell them no. I got to play with my own my toys when I wanted, I got my mothers full attention all the time, I slept uninterrupted my whole life lol The list could go on and on. I love that you’re getting the choice to have an only!
haha forreal 😭😭😭
Yep I'm in the same boat. The thought of another one fills me with anxiety and dread. I love my daughter more than anything but I knew instantly I was one and done