Baffled by the Premom app

Absolutely baffled by my ovulation tests. First month using them & the premom app, but I track my cycle on clue, and it predicts that I should be ovulating tomorrow. Been testing at different times of the day to try and get a feel for what works best, but they seem all over the place. Thought this mornings looked stronger- but it only measured 0.19 on the app. Just did another test and it measured 0.15. I have long cycles so didn’t expect to ovulate in the middle of the month like most people- but according to the app I peaked at 0.38 on CD 16? Which seems super low. I’m just really confused and don’t really understand what any of this means 😞
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Clue just assumes you have a "standard" cycle so if you have irregular cycles it is pretty useless 😆 if you have longer cycles you might ovulate later, based on the strips it doesnt look like it happened. Keep tracking! I was usually having a peak on cd 18-20 with 32-35 days cycle.

I would also suggest testing at consistent times- early morning and later in the early evening as the surge can be very quick so it is good to do every 12ish hours ( I see you test in the morning but the second one is quite early afternoon, I would do more 6-7pm)

@Karo thank you for the insights! I’m hoping ovulation is still to come but it’s hard not to feel a bit disheartened- which is silly when it’s literally my first time TTC 🙈 Should you wait a certain number of hours between wees? Does that impact the results at all..?

Good to hold it as long as you can, I am a frequent peeer so the evening one was tough but I tried to hold it for a couple of hours before 🤣 no worries, I remember the stress of all of it! Everyone tells you to relax but with irregular cycles it is very hard to do haha

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