Previous pre term birth
Hi all
I had a preterm birth at 24 weeks back in feb, my baby girl was delivered and sadly passed away on the NiCU unit- I had Chorioaminitis but they are unsure whether I had problems with my cervix as nothing was picked up on , it came out of no where.
I’m now 19 weeks pregnant again- consultant led. I’m having my cervix scanned every two weeks and up until today it was measuring as normal , but today it has shortened by 5mm.
It was 42mm at 17 weeks and today 37. Consultant wants to see me again in a week to check again , he didn’t seem overly concerned but I just feel worried it could all go down hill from here.
Can I ask at what gestation did people notice a shortening and how quickly can it shorten ?
I had this, my cervix was short and got shorter within a couple days I was 1 week past being able to get a cerclage (the surgery to stitch your cervix closed) I was 24 weeks. Within 4 days it significantly shortened. I can’t remember the exact measurements. They thought I would go into labor that week. They gave me progesterone suppositories to insert nightly, I was put on bedrest, not allowed to leave the bed except to take short showers and pee, and couldn’t climb the stairs. I made it to 36 weeks. Perfectly healthy baby with a 2 hour labor