We had this with our little boy. I could see he was in pain and needing to poo but he just kept refusing to go, he'd be upset if we kept asking him .Then he'd be so desperate and he'd run to the potty to poo. We made a huge fuss afterwards and praised him and he'd be so pleased with himself. Now he's doing wees on the toilet and he tries to poo each time he wees 🙈. It's all a learning curve x
Thanks @Jo maybe I’ll give that a try. @Kirsten I think the issue is he doesn’t try to hold it at all like he is almost shocked every time he gets the urge and just goes. But he’s going it clicks at some point to go to the potty!
We got a pack of cars from home bargains, so for the first few we made a huge fuss and he got a little toy. Seems to have worked. I think it will just click with him though. It's all so new to them after wearing nappies for so long. Sounds like he's doing really well 👏🏼
When our little boy was farting loads I knew he needed a poo so sat him on the toilet and got him to blow bubbles he got so excited with playing bubbles and relaxed and let himself poo x
@Catherine Is he then upset when he poos in his underpants? My boy had 1 poo accident and I think that made him realise he needed to go to the potty quicker. I'm sorry I don't have any advice 🥺. I think keep doing what you're doing and it should eventually click xx
@Kirsten he waddles and isn’t comfortable but doesn’t really get upset and doesn’t really want to get changed either which I think may be the issue. @Stacey I’ll give bubbles a try! Unfortunately we don’t usually have much warning 😖
We started noticing our son would hide in corners when he was having his poops. I didn't quite grab him in time the first time and he had done a little poo in his nappy so without him looking, I popped it into the potty and sat him down and then showed him after and we celebrated and we made a big deal about it so he knew it was a good thing. After that he did more and hasn't used his nappies in the day since. x
I read on here to put a nappy in the bottom of the potty. No idea if it will help.