@Vanessa my boys the same he likes 2 baths so re use cream in bath so his skin doesn't go to dry x
Its usually because they've gone from being nice and warm splashing around in the lovely water to "I'm naked damp and cold" my baby is the same no matter what she always cries a bit when she is taken out of the bath but once she is wrapped up in Her towel she's ok
Mine cries in the bath and out of it likes proper screaming crying :(
I read that the trick is to warm up the towels so they don’t feel that swift with the temperatures but I didn’t have the chance to tried yet. I’ll try today and see it that works. She also doesn’t like the after. She’s cry inconsolable and tense her whole body so I make it so hard to put her pjs on 😫
@Claire try making the bath a bit warmer, and the room, and the towels.. they may be cold. You could also try covering them with a muslin in the bath. Assume you are lowering them in slowly so they aren’t taken by surprise x
My LO also hated the bath. But since I started wrapping her in a towel to go in the bath and keeping the wet towel over her while she is in there she’s much happier (just move bits of the towel to wash and keep putting water on it to keep her warm). Also she likes a bottle when she comes out even if it’s not been long since she’s eaten 😂 like others have said, warm towels, warm room have also helped.
My LO (9 weeks) enjoys the bath when being inside and cries when getting out also. I feed him straight away after drying him, which helps, with a guaranteed good three hours sleep afterwards.
It's probably a phase. My son is 3.5 and at times he's loved baths and at others he's screamed. At the moment my 11 week old, is so chilled in the bath but I'm sure she'll hate it at some point
Sometimes she hates getting out and wants to stay in