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I've not seen a health visitor since about 6 weeks old as my LB can't have his immunisations so wasn't seen at clinic at all, I've just moved so waiting for a new HV, my old one messaged me to say that my LB is due his 6 months check up now but it'll be with a GP now instead as I've not been assigned a new HV yet......
Has anyone's Little one had their tongue tie cut? Can you tell me what to expect at the appointment please nd which hospital you had it done at?
My boy has his today so trying to prepare him and me! He was very unhappy after his first ones but not too bad after the second lot.
Coming up to 15 weeks, EBF, she’s being sick after every feed since birth, sometimes just a little sometimes it looks like the entire feed and more has come back up, still gaining weight though and plenty of wet and dirty nappies but I’m starting to worry that it’s something serious now. Not sure if I should speak t...
My lo is 6 weeks old and formula fed. For the last week he's had watery poos but he only goes every 2-3 days (normal apart from the first week for us) is it anything to worry about? He is also bringing up milk after every feed and during. Unsure if it's something to speak to my midwife about on Monday when I go and ...
FYM i just don’t know… my one month old sleeps fine and then will wake up hungry, I feed her however much she wants and burp her and she will have a dirty diaper normally. ok fine… but putting her back to sleep normally takes like two hours after that, she will spit out the pacifier, cry, wriggle around on her blank...
My baby is 12 weeks old. Since around 8 weeks her poos have been consistently green- either greeny yellow or quite dark green. At first I thought this was just down to breast feeding (I EBF) as I have an oversupply and my first daughter also used to get green nappies as a result but now I'm not sure as its so consis...
Any good soft plays that are suitable for babies under 1 in Bristol??
Have your little ones had a two year review? Not sure if this is still thing or not but I’ve not heard anything? Thank you
How long after second degree tears can I have a hot bath?
Baby has not passed stools for 4 days. He usually does every morning. I've offered water with solids. Anyone else experiencing this? At what point would a drs visit be warranted.
My baby is 7 weeks old and she poops every 4 days (that’s her normal). Since her 3rd day of life it’s been like that. Pediatrician knows about it of course and he even tried inserting his finger in her butthole with gloves and some Vaseline to see if it would help. Her belly never got swollen or hard and she farts a...
Gross subject I know 😅 but what is your 18 months poos like?? I’m worried mine has an intolerance to something because his poos are just horrendous… sometimes can be hard but other days pretty mushy, not sure what’s normal?
Hi just need some advice as I’m a first time mum and my little girl is 2 months old, she is really struggling with constipation I’ve tried all the massages and everything but nothing is working. She also has colic so she is on gaviscin I know doctors said that will happen but she goes really red and screams in pain ...
how many times a week are you giving your babies a bath? I want to include it to our night routine but I see the recommendation is a few times a week, not every day.
Has your little one had their 1 year jabs? Have you been contacted about it or do you have to contact the doctors yourself?
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