@Sam thanks, I've tried to get her to sit on the potty on my terms (even bribery), but she has a meltdown. Going to put a nappy under her bum in the car (with her clothed). Think I'll be packing a few extras 🤣 x
Talk to your child’s key worker about the process for potty training kids. There’ll be lots in the same position. What they do in my daughter’s nursery is they set timers for the toilet visits for children who are toilet training until they’re able to take themselves. They use a Now and Next boards with her so there’s a fun activity after the toilet. I’ve started that at home too. “First toilet, then Bluey” x
Hey! I’d recommend taking her to the potty before you leave the house. If she goes, great! If not, that’s okay too. For the nursery, if you’re traveling by car, it might be a good idea to use a puppy pad just in case of any accidents. Also, pack an extra pair of clothes and let her go without a nappy, just some knickers so she gets used to the routine on day 2 or 3 at nursery. My little kiddos nursery staff were so helpful. X