No I’ve done those! I mean at my earlier appointment, without doing any of the glucose tests, the a1c was high! So now they want me to do that 1 hour test earlier than usual in a pregnancy
I had elevated A1C at like 12 weeks. Failed the 1 hour. Passed the 3 hour. At 28 weeks they had me skip right to the 3 hour. Failed all 4 readings 😫. So I am now insulin and diet controlled GD
By pre-gestational diabetes test do you mean the 1 hour test? I had gestational diabetes for my pregnancy. I failed the 1 hour test and had to go in for the 3 hour test and failed that one. Typically everyone is tested for gestational diabetes in the 3rd trimester unless they suspect / you have a family history of diabetes. The 1 hour test is easy. You drink the drink thing they give you and then they test your sugar before you drink the solution and then 1 hour after you drink the solution. I forget what your sugar has to be under but you find out fairly quickly whether you pass or fail