Help me with new business idea

Hey ladies, I need some feedback for my new business plan. I plan on starting a crèche(5 and under) with weekly beauty treatments/massages in a separate room. The location would mostly be in business centres or co-working spaces for business owners (especially parents) that want to handle business but still be close to their babies. My question is would you as a parent be willing to pay for this service?
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That's such a cool idea!

I would if my daughter wasn't in school

Brilliant idea. I’d look at your local area, how many small biz owners are there, how many with kids at home, what kind of businesses and are they profitable enough/ scalable to be likely to invest in coworking spaces. It’s an amazing idea, probably depends on the area based on if it would work. That’s what we found with a clients recent coworking plan too, so many businesses now are micro and work from home without interest/ finance to hire space so depends on who’s around. Sounds awesome though. Where about are you based?

This is 1000% an amazing idea and would be so popular

@Sam thanks for such an in depth answer. Also I’m based in London

That’s great, bet there’s a big market in your area then!

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