Yes pretty much. But I wouldn't have waited for that long without speaking to reception again, they're only human and sometimes make mistakes 🤷
@Rachel the reception was in a different bit from where I was so once you do through the doors you had to be let out by a doctor or nurse and there was only 2 people in the section who were in the medical rooms
Jesus! We are very lucky and have a wonderful hospital near us my birth and staff were incredible. Sorry you had this experience but not all hospitals are on the same level of service. Your birth story sounds awful and sorry you went through that but the second point about waiting so long - I think that’s on you :-( i would have asked somebody at 9:15. They are busy and admin mistakes are sometimes made.
Yes… with my daughter I was induced and they told me it would probably be days before I had her. I called them in because I was contracting so bad back to back I couldn’t even breathe, they didn’t take me seriously until I made them put the monitor on me and saw the machine going crazy, and I was 7cm dialated in less than 20mins, and was rushed up to delivery, and it was a horrific rushed & traumatic birth. All because they didn’t listen to me and what my body was telling me 🤷🏼‍♀️
When I went for a high risk appointment with my current it was a similar situation but they hadn’t forgotten me they were running 3 hours behind which made no sense as my appointment was 10am. So how many people could delay it by that much when it was appointment only. However giving birth I am thankful for the hospital I went in with sepsis and went into labour due to this everything was going well I until my babies heart stopped so was rushed for general anaesthetic to get her out quick. Luckily we were both ok but if they hadn’t of acted so quickly I have no idea what may have happened.
Yeah the service in general is actually shocking. I know it will differ slightly area to area but overall, it’s a shit show. Every scan appointment I have is super stressful as I don’t know if I will make it to pick my first up from school (told to get to the hospital for 10ish and it’s touch and go whether I will be seen and had all the checks I need done by 3pm to pick up son). The system is so broken. Also I had to convince them I was in labour - they literaly wouldn’t believe me until they finally checked me and turned out baby was distressed as I had been in labour for over 2 days by that point being told to stay at home. Changed their tune once they saw.
Oh yes