I had GD also late diagnosed at 37 weeks. I was diet controlled but they told me my baby would be 10lb+ and induced me at 40 weeks, he came out 7lb 1oz. My body didn’t feel ready at all and I don’t think my son was either (can’t really describe it). In hindsight I wouldn’t have listened to doctors and I’d have listened to my body instead.
I was diagnosed with GD at 26 weeks and went into preterm labour at 31 weeks (delivered twins by C-section at 31+5). I’m not sure if the pre-term labour had anything to do with the GD, I assume it had more to do with it being a twin pregnancy.
I was diagnosed with GD, I honestly don't remember how far along I was at the time. I ended up going into spontaneous labor and giving birth at 35+5. She was 5lbs 8ozs
I was induced in my first pregnancy at 40 weeks and delivered at 40+1. I was on insulin because diet alone wasn’t working. Once the insulin dosage was figured out, my numbers were well controlled. In my experience, I don’t think the Doctor would choose to induce earlier than 39 weeks unless your blood sugar was not controlled with the methods that they were using. (Either oral meds or insulin) I can understand if you are nervous. I was nervous too! Especially about the insulin part. I was told my baby was big. She turned out to be 8lb 12 oz. She was healthy and needed no interventions due to the GD.