My son has suspected adhd and needs help with almost everything, he won’t do his teeth properly etc so we have to watch him or help, he doesn’t wipe his bum properly so I have to help or encourage him. He can and will help himself to food and drink if needs be but he generally doesn’t like to do much alone. Getting dressed he can do it but gets frustrated so may need help too. He doesn’t like being alone when in the shower so I’m in the bathroom, he’s just turned 6 in September
My daughter will brush ger teeth by herself but will have to be sent to do it again almost daily to brush properly. She can shower herself but I have to stay with her to make sure she has rinsed properly and sometimes help with her hair. Also to make sure she isn't playing and falls. She sets her own alarm and gets herself up and dressed for school and changed when she comes home. Makes her own breakfast (nothing requiring cooking). She is quite independent. Sometimes she needs reminding over things like washing hands and drinking water or doing things properly. Every child is different though. I got her to do things with me from a young age and gradually built up the tasks I let her do til I was just supervising her til she learnt to do it by herself. Might be worth a try with your son if you want to encouragehim to be more independent, giving him more responsibility while you just "supervise".
My son is independent and likes doing things himself, unless daddy is around he tries to get him to do things for Like Kelly we encouraged independence from a young age, for me the reason why I did that was because I've worked with children most of my life and see how important it is for them to be independent as well as the parents and their education establishment. Independence encourages confidence, don't worry with time and little tasks he'll be doing dinner fir the family 😀
Mine still expects me to take her socks off for her 😂 She can do it, it’s just laziness lol. She brushes her teeth by herself but still prefers baths, I do need to encourage her to scrub herself as she thinks it’s just play time and not cleaning time lol. I do encourage her to do things like take her plate or bowl to the sink but this only happens 60% of the time, she helps to prepare food sometimes but would rather play or watch tv. She knows how to use the microwave and which buttons to press. I tell her to get herself undressed as I think she should be doing that, she can get into her pjs by herself, she’s just turned 6. Remember, all kids are different. My partner loved to do everything for himself by the time he was 7, including making his own food. Other kids need help or guidance or slow learners, Christ I didn’t even start pronouncing real sentences until I was around 4-5 after speech therapy. All kids are different ☺️x
My son turned 7 in July (I'm on this group for my just turned 6 year old daughter). He can do his teeth but not well, so we have to supervise, he wouldn't wash his own hair but can wash himself in the bath, he still needs a lot of reminding.