How do we feel about an IUD?

Looking for non hormonal birth control. Tell me your pros and cons
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I had a great experience with the non hormonal copper IUD. Insertion was painful (but I had it placed before I had ever had kids) and my periods were longer and heavier for the first few months, but other than that, it was worth free

The non hormonal one made my periods soooooo heavy and long. The hormonal one didn’t stop my periods (a lot of women say they do), and I felt my PMS/symptoms worsened

I loved mine when I had it, no complaints however I have had friends who have had it and had bad experiences with it like heavier periods, pain etc but everyone is different

I had the copper iud and got pregnant on it. It is 99% effective at preventing uterine pregnancies but for me it caused an ectopic one which resulted in me having to get one of my tubes out. I was the 1%. I just wouldn’t use it again.

I had the copper IUD and was pregnant within a year, having only had sex a handful of times. It fell out of place. My theory is that is happened when I fell over one day but I will never know for sure. Thankfully for me it wasn’t ectopic but ectopic is more of a risk when you have the coil. I do have friends that have never had an issue with it. I think if you go to get it checked/know how to check it yourself you should be ok. My doctor failed to check it and I didn’t know how to do it

It was painful to be inserted, and had nearly constant pain and on/off bleeding for the months I had it, until I gave up and said I wanted it removed. The doctor went to remove it and couldn't find it, so I was referred to the hospital and they could see it on an ultrasound but couldn't reach it, so it ended up being removed surgically. Never, ever again.

I had an iud for the 7 years, I think I had it removed in like 2018? I had a love hate relationship with it. I liked not having to think about birth control on a day to day basis. But my body had a terrible reaction to having it put in. I was forcibly dilated and my body was tricked into thinking it was the beginning of labor. It lasted for about 12 hours of just contractions and nausea and dizziness. I also had a terrible time with my period for the full 7 years. It became irregular, very heavy and lasted much longer than I would have liked it to. I think if it’s something you’re interested in it wouldn’t hurt to try it, you can always get it removed early if you don’t like it.

@Kathryn believe it or not mines was in place they checked and double checked and even when they took it out they had no explanation. I didn’t know having coils would make a diff?

I had the MIRENA IUD for years (since teenager and until now - I’m in mid 20’s). I had no complications or issue along with being intimate with my husband. No periods, no cramps, ect,. When I got off to try to conceive, it took about 4-5 months each pregnancy. I’m currently pregnant with baby #2 due in December.

Had a Mirena from 20-25 was perfect had it changed and fell pregnant the next month just don’t think the second one worked at all tbh xx

@Bella if it was still in the right place that would explain why the pregnancy was ectopic right? Because you can’t get normal pregnant if it’s in the right place but it doesn’t stop ectopic pregnancies. So sorry that happened to you I know how scary it can be xx

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