They will be movement going on in his gums for sure that’ll be causing discomfort. Signs are hands in mouth, finger chewing, flushed rosy cheeky and more irritable. You can give ambasol teething liquid which is helping my 8 month old massively, he cut his 2 bottom teeth at 4.5 months and then another 2 pushed through at the same time at 7.5 months… torture for him, wasn’t nice/ Calpol also helps, teething powder, water based teething toys that can be refrigerated for a while to give some relief… ask for the ambasol liquid over the counter at the pharmacy, better than the gel I think
Drooling a lot and wanting to chew on EVERYTHING is an easy sign to look out for teething. I agree though, the signs of it tend to happen a long way before the teeth come in and can ebb and flow
Thanks everyone!!🤍
My boy is 8 months old and still has no teeth despite us thinking a few times "is he teething?" Someone told me that once they are cutting teeth for real you will have no doubt. We saw a dentist too at like 4 months and she checked his gums and said no sign, and that teething that early is unlikely but they might feel teeth moving around under the gums which can my them irritated and have discomfort. So even if you don't see teeth popping through they might be moving and causing some pain. My son has had hands in mouth and been drooling for months but I'm pretty sure that's just part of development.
They can show signs of teething for AGES before teeth finally make an appearance unfortunately. My boy started dribbling excessively and gnawing aggressively for a good few months and then teeth started showing through the gums at about 6 months I think, he got the bottom two and then three at the top came last month. When they were breaking through we had about a week of hysterical crying and fussiness and general upset and then they broke through and he was back to his normal self. Good luck! x