Sterilising bottles

Do you always take the teat out of the screw top to wash then sterilise?
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Yeh I used to separate everything x

Yeah I separate everything ❤️

I'm due my next one soon and I think I'm just getting worried, looking back I honestly can't remember what I did! I breastfed but occasionally pumped before. Do you think do you think If I didn't do this, my boy was okay? I'm just getting overly worried!

honestly no😅 mam bottles have so many parts i just take the cap off, unscrew the bottom and the teat. leave the teat in the plastic part that screws into the bottle and clean it that way..

I use mam ones and take them all apart because sometimes milk gets under the teat and the suction bit that goes in the bottom. Don't want any old milk left in there 🙂 they are a faff though as there are so many parts


Yes, always x


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