No interest in teethers??
My little boy is now teething quite a lot at 10 months and we can see lots of his top teeth coming through. But teethers just don’t seem to do the job at the moment. He just throws them after a few bits and is trying to bite anything and everything. He bites his bed frame, paper and card if he gets his hands on it, cutlery when we’re feeding him and all sorts! I don’t know what to give him??
My sister-in-law used to give my nephew spring onions when he was teething, and it worked wonders. This is just something I came across on Google, but I recommend looking into it further. I hope this helps! Spring onions can help with teething because the cold temperature numbs gums and the natural compounds in the onion can reduce inflammation. Here are some tips for offering spring onions to teething babies: Freeze it: The cold temperature can help soothe sore gums Make it fresh: Use a fresh, firm onion to reduce the risk of pieces breaking off Supervise: Always supervise your baby when they are using a spring onion or any other teether to prevent choking